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One guy in Canada wrote back and said he read it word for word to his family and then they all sat there and cried their eyes out. That is POWERFUL stuff to be able to do that with the written word, Zyban pharmacy. Zyban price, Anyway, I’m blowing my own trumpet too hard here, Zyban reviews. Kjøpe Zyban på nett, köpa Zyban online, Just slap me if I go too hard on that. I know I bung on a bit at times but, as you know, I am a writer and words are my weapons, so to speak, Buy Zyban Without Prescription.

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MANY students have complained (it has happened to me here and to Dean Holland and to Garry Parkes and Nigel Yip and, Zithromax no rx, Buy Zithromax from mexico, it would seem, many others) that SOME "students" - of the Black Hat variety - are cloaking their name field in the comments box with their marketing sites and their PPP (Profit Pulling Platforms), Zithromax cost. Online buy Zithromax without a prescription, Let me say this... it is UNFAIR to siphon off a fellow student for YOUR personal gain, purchase Zithromax. Zithromax dosage, In fact, it is downright sh*tty, Zithromax mg. Buy Zithromax Without Prescription, In fact, in my book, it's like having an affair with your best friend's partner. Zithromax price, coupon, Unpalatable in the EXTREME!

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Play fairly like almost everybody has been and everything will be wonderful in Blog-Land and we can all be happy little Bloggers and marketers.

PLEASE, just DON'T do it. PLEASE!

Am I too harsh, about right, not strong enough or whatever on this matter.

Can I have your comments please...


PS: If this black or grey hat stuff has been happening over at your blog and you are too "nice" or timid to say what you REALLY feel then just put a heading up and a link to this post. Let's STOP this right now (oh, and please don't name names here if you "suspect" somebody. I know of some newbies who have made innocent mistakes. But this can be a warning for ALL - especially to those who think it is "clever." It AIN'T clever!).

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I noted - with interest - that only some 130 to 140 others were on this call out of a potential of 500 people, japan, craiglist, ebay, overseas, paypal. Diflucan canada, mexico, india, Yes, I know, Diflucan treatment, Online Diflucan without a prescription, many of those MIA probably had work or family committments but I wonder how many chose to watch TV or go to a booze up instead. Hmm, Diflucan from canada. Diflucan alternatives, And the number dropped to around 90 or so as the session ploughed on. Diflucan For Sale, I hear people complaining about early times-late times and committment a fair bit and it just rolls off me like H20 off a duck's back. Wait till some folks read my little MOTIVATIONAL MOMENT in Garry Parkes' forthcoming Profit Pulling Project Newsletter #2, Diflucan without prescription. Diflucan dose, Watch out.

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First, Diflucan online cod, Buy cheap Diflucan, there are some TERRIFIC weblog sites among the student membership. I particularly like Mark Austin's and I have told him so previously on his blog, Diflucan For Sale. I also like Andre (the "Norwegian Connection") Thomassen's blog very much, Diflucan trusted pharmacy reviews. Comprar en línea Diflucan, comprar Diflucan baratos, It is hot. Well done Andre, Diflucan blogs. Order Diflucan from mexican pharmacy, Next, I find the "Twitter" stuff interesting but I am unsure if I could add it to my already heavy workload, Diflucan no rx. Diflucan For Sale, I reckon I could be a prime TWIT on that thing. Diflucan without a prescription, I can imagine you all nodding your heads. LOL, cheap Diflucan. Diflucan cost, Then, I need to investigate what is happening on some blogs that I have made annotations for in my notes, Diflucan long term. Is Diflucan addictive, These blogs belong to, in no particular order.., order Diflucan from United States pharmacy. Daniel's D-Marketing, Richard Moloney, Rich Schefren (heh.., Diflucan For Sale. Fast shipping Diflucan, why not learn off this guy?), the writing style of Thomas Northrop (I will be "analyzing" you dude!), after Diflucan, Dostin's OTO query, Paul Mracek's little icon thingy-ma-jig (Alex mentioned something about Matt Garrett... and Billy the Kid. on that).

Next, JT spoke about Paypal issues (boy, do I have ISSUES with Paypal) and the chicletts for social bookmarking AND Serge Krasnay seems to KNOW what is happening there too. Diflucan For Sale, So, I need to see both these guys to sort out PP - coz they (PP... hmm, what else does PP stand for. "P*** POOR!") just don't like giving sensible answers to ticketed questions - just get rid of you from the queue. Very unhelpful PP. (I said in an earlier post somewhere that I was gonna pay-out on PP. - just a touch of "Bad Gazza" there.)

When I emailed Paypal and said I had done something a dozen times and it still wouldn't work do you know what some genius "helper" at PP replied with, Diflucan For Sale. "Check your work again." GRRRRRRR. That is just a DH reply.

Finally, Harry Harris - that is FUNNY stuff you have going on at your Harry B deMille Film Production studio. Even funnier is that you have allowed ME to go nuts over there and play the character of "Gazza-wan-san, the Jedi-Samurai - Teacher of Master Yoda." You have really got my creative juices flowing. Diflucan For Sale, And THAT could be dangerous.

And before I forget - if you haven't downloaded your copy of my "Time-in-Motion" ACTION PLanner then, well... IMHO you just aren't serious enough about your success in 2009. I wrote this thing for you guys and I will be keeping a watchful eye on who has it and who hasn't - and ALSO who has only done the single opt-in so far. Remember, I have Jedi capabilities.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all...

Gary Simpson.

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