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Internet Marketers of Note:

Alex Jeffreys -
Andrew Fox -

Yes… it is!


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3 - aweber up and running,
4 - written a 72 page e-book on ACTION PLANNING (still waiting on covers etc),
5 - my Profit Pulling Platform in place,
6 - planned the upgrade of my blogsite and what it will look like,
7 - written about a dozen articles to create interest (still in various stages - some handwritten, some typed, one submitted),
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8 - visit several sites/forums that I am a member of and comment there on matters pertinent to what we are doing here (re: the oil rigs - LOL!).

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PS: I'm gonna take some pills (something I hardly ever do) for this damn head-ache. Thanks a LOT Alex.

PPS: To all those who have left COMMENTS here - I thank you sincerely. If your blogroll is not up here yet then I apologise. I will get to the BIG backlog list as soon as I possibly can.

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