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by Gary ~ December 14th, 2008

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I'm ba-aaack.


If you have been reading my Gary-Land blogsite then you will know that I was "incommunicado" most of the weekend. You see I had a family committment (a wedding - on the "other side" if you get my drift) to attend. I'd already committed to attend months ago and I'm not the sort of guy to back out of a committment once I have agreed, where to buy Medazepam.

Anyway, as you can probably understand, this FRUSTRATED the living suitcase out of me because I have so much work to do in my business, so many ideas and projects underway plus the replies and upgrade (some day - LOL!) of my blog with this Alex Jeffreys Internet Marketing Coaching Course that we are all undertaking (and thoroughly enjoying to date too, I might add), Buy Medazepam Without Prescription.

So, the Ministry of Fun and Entertainment (MOFE - aka "the wife") is getting REAL testy with me because I got up at 5.00am my time to listen the the Brainstorm Session 1 with Alex Jeffreys and all you good folks... and I am still sitting there at 9.00am and MOFE is doing the foot-tapping fandango with the whole eyeball-rolling thing coz she is wanting to get going. Medazepam interactions, NOW. "NOW GARY - HURRY UP!"

Just before I get stuck into telling you about our "adventure" I gotta say that "bell" thing that Alex was referring to and giggling about every now and then towards the end of Brainstorm 1 was a result of me texting him little messages.

Remember how he was whingeing about his Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, MOFE not bringing him a cup of coffee. Huh. Well, (WARNING: male chauvinist moment coming up) I have a little gold bell on my computer and when I ring it my MOFE comes a-runnin' with a nice cuppa for me, Medazepam reviews. It's a long and amusing tale that has resulted in this procedure and I won't go into it here (maybe another time, maybe not). So, Herbal Medazepam, I was texting Alex telling him to "get a BELL!" and he was texting me back and commenting. It was rather amusing, Buy Medazepam Without Prescription. (I find humour in the dopiest things - LOL!)

Back to my predicament... MOFE had already packed the car and done her hair and make-up etc AND changed clothes half a dozen times. I jump in the shower, have a shave, Medazepam no rx, get dressed and I am ready in, like, ten minutes. Medazepam results, MOFE starts driving so I can write in my journal. We headed south-west to the great Western Australian countryside - heading for some God-forsaken place that I had never even heard of before - called Kin-Kin Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, - actually, "the Kin-Kin Retreat" where there are - as the brochure said - "quaint" cottages all set in a "peaceful" State forest. Now Gazza (me) interprets quaint as NO running water or electricity and peaceful as NO idiot in their right mind would want to go there.

So MOFE is motoring along at breakneck speed wanting to get to the "family extravaganza" in the friggin' wilderness ASAP and here is me... frantically writing notes while informing MOFE to "SLOW DOWN" and "STOP TAIL-GATING" and "WATCH THE TRAFFIC FLOW AHEAD" - just my usual instructions that MOFE ignores anyway. Until she brakes hard enough so all the bits and pieces on the back seat slap us in the back of the head and end up on the front seat, buy generic Medazepam. And I get to say, " I told..." - never mind, Buy Medazepam Without Prescription.

I resume writing furiously in my book. One eye on the book, the other eye on the road. Medazepam for sale, No wonder I can hardly read what I wrote now.

Any-old-ways, when we get out of the city precincts, I switch on the sat-nav, key in our destination (sort of - coz Mr Sat-Nav had no idea where this hidden gem of a place was either) and some guy's voice starts barking at us, Medazepam from canadian pharmacy, telling us where to go. Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, Well, I won't go into the intricate details of all this apart from to say that WE GOT LOST! Well and truly. Thanks Mr Sat-Nav. Plus neither of our cells had ANY signal. Medazepam duration, We might as well have been on mars.

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Needless to say I got us HOPELESSLY lost on gravel tracks and we ended up at some abandoned relic of a shack in the middle of - duh. - I still dunno. After 2 hours of left, right, purchase Medazepam for sale, up, down, back and forth I eventually "fluked" our way out with MOFE's beautiful new Nissan all covered in red dust. Medazepam dose, Gee, she was REALLY happy about that too.

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Now, unlike them, I'm not a big booze-artist. While I sipped on mine, purchase Medazepam, a dozen or so "bushies" slammed down about six cans each all the while burping, f*rting, swearing and going "aaaaaaaaaaaah. I needed that one!" And all the others would make similar comments and then they would all go, "Ha, ha, ha."

Am I missing something here, Buy Medazepam Without Prescription. Medazepam blogs, I'm thinking, "Yeah, sure - dipsh*ts!" I'm already feeling disgusted. And I've only been here five minutes.

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We unpack and "settle in" and MOFE remarks, "isn't it cozy?" I grunt through gnashed teeth. Grrrr.

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We went to the wedding and the reception - all very nice - ALL very country (to a city boy), generic Medazepam. They kept drinking (guzzling) all through night and all morning.

Just to let you know how it all went at the church...

Most of the hicks were skulling cans of beer just outside the church door then, Online buy Medazepam without a prescription, when the padre called us in for the ceremony, the hicks removed their corn-pipes (not really - just made that bit up), hoisted up their britches and argued about whose can was whose as they lined them up just outside the door ready to snatch them straight back up and get that beer into their gullets the moment the ceremony ended. Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, Oh dear. Here's my problem...

Like - for the two nights we were there - I'd wake up at 6.00am and stretch, find a nice quiet place in a clearing in the forest and start my morning regimen with exercise (like I do EVERY day.., Medazepam without a prescription. yeah, yeah, I know... Discount Medazepam, I'm so darned disciplined) and come back sweaty and out of breath to find them all... drinking. This actually annoys me because then they start saying stuff like - der, Buy Medazepam Without Prescription. - "you city boys are weak as p*ss!" when I decline a can of beer at 7.00am. There is NO WAY that I want to be ANYTHING like them. So why am I as weak as p*ss, cheap Medazepam no rx.

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So I take pen and journal and I start adding to my little project that I am working on. Then I sit there outside my "quaint" cabin and think, generic Medazepam. WTF am I doing here? Like... I am REALLY miserable. I have nothing in common with these guys and I mean a BIG FAT ZERO! Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, I am SO wasting time. So I get up and make MYSELF a cuppa. Buy cheap Medazepam, Coz I forgot the bell (Alex) and anyway MOFE is up with all the women talking blind melon chitlin ge-dang, ge-dang country-speak stuff with them.

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I'm gonna type it all up - NO WAY could I out-source this coz it's all in Gary-Code right now. But, even I have to admit that my idea is pretty darn good. I'm gonna make an e-book out of it and share it around with everyone in Blog-Land and I sure do think it is gonna have application. I know - ABSOLUTELY - that I will use it BIG TIME, Buy Medazepam Without Prescription.

So, there you have it. My miserable weekend at Noof-Noof turned into something amazingly positive and it was all because I stopped jamming my head with interference from negative sources (SNIOPs) and stuck with my guns, was true to myself and turned something I wasn't enjoying into a positive outcome.

Aside from all that the bride was stunningly beautiful and I am so happy for her. I watched her new husband's eyes and the way he looked at her and I could see his love for her and hers for him. Buy Medazepam Without Prescription, They are gonna be very happily united.

The trip back from Noof-Noof was uneventful and the minute I got back to my office I fired up the computer and wrote this.

Next task... Project X! It's a hooter.


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by Gary ~ December 11th, 2008

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I have just got back from taking my p*ssing and sh*tting machines for their daily constitutional walk. I have two female dogs and you would swear they should have been born males. Today we stopped our "walkies" on six occasions for the Maltese Lhasa Apso-cross and three times for the King Charles Cavalier Shitzu-cross, buy Nitrazepam without prescription. And that was a very poor effort by their usual standards. Is Nitrazepam addictive, What is truly odd is that I have taken to counting the number of times we have to make these pit-stops. Even more odd is that my entire family asks, "who kicked the winning score today?" And the weirdest thing of all is that I am writing about it here and, no doubt, it will probably come up in later blogs etc, etc, Nitrazepam For Sale.

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I could go on about the trials and tribulations of walking my puppalitos but you get the picture. Purchase Nitrazepam online, They are a pain. Nitrazepam For Sale, Anyway...

... just before I took them out I left a comment on Yip-Man's thread about his most obvious talent.., Nitrazepam price, coupon. his ability to write clearly and concisely. Nitrazepam australia, uk, us, usa, You should all go and read his latest blog entry on Module 3 and what I had to say about it. And he reckons he is a geeky, untalented dude, Nitrazepam For Sale. You know what I say to that? ... Pfffft, Nitrazepam coupon. This guy is seriously selling himself short. Buy Nitrazepam online cod, As I was walking the pupsters I was thinking about this entire blogging thing and how addictive it can be and how bloody time consuming it can be. Nitrazepam For Sale, Then, after I returned and made sure the little dudes had a full water bowl each - you should see them guts down that water when they come in with their tongues hanging out - I get back to my desk and sitting there was a comment from Hilary Dickinson. I scanned Hilary's long comment and I knew straight away that we had another writer on our hands (check out what I said to Hilary in the thread on "Special Talents" - the one before this). It's obvious when you read stuff from peeps (Hi Deano, Nitrazepam brand name. Loved the e-book dude) like Hilary. Nitrazepam use, We have other writers out there too. Coleen is one, Nitrazepam For Sale. And I was at a blog the other day where I left a comment about this guy's obvious (to me anyway) written ability. I'll identify this guy later when I remember where I was but he was one of the new guys with a very raw blog, buy cheap Nitrazepam no rx. Anyway, Nitrazepam steet value, his words just rose off the page at me and I though "wow!" And I told him so in the comment I left.

Now, here's my take on things at this point - and this is not being rude or disrespectful to anyone.., herbal Nitrazepam.

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I have never seen a bunch of more talented people anywhere. What a friggin' AWESOME team! I am really proud to be in the company of you guys, Nitrazepam alternatives.

Now, Nitrazepam price, moving right along...

... although the "techie era," as I call it, is steep now there will come a time when everyone will be pretty much up to speed with all the Wordpress, Paypal (ha - I'll have more to say about them later - MUCH more), Aweber, hosting, scripting, Google-Analytics, SEO etc, etc etc, Nitrazepam For Sale. And that is when the writers will start to fly.

So, real brand Nitrazepam online, when the writers get all their techie stuff sorted out to their general satisfaction - WATCH OUT. Nitrazepam images, They will unleash some stuff that will just have your head spinning. So...

.., online buying Nitrazepam. my BIGGEST tip is this Nitrazepam For Sale, - watch the writers, study them. Some are on display now, My Nitrazepam experience, though they are holding themselves back a little. I know this. I can see them gearing up, Nitrazepam from mexico. Getting ready.

What can YOU do (if you are a "non" writer or worried about your written communication), Nitrazepam For Sale. Buy generic Nitrazepam, The answer is... PLENTY.

Practice your writing skills in your comments as you move from blog to blog being helpful, Nitrazepam canada, mexico, india. DON'T copy words - that's plagiarism - but copy style.

Watch how somebody, Nitrazepam class, who you like the writing style of, says things. Nitrazepam For Sale, Then ferment that in your mind, use your own imagination and life experiences and use your own words to clone yourself around that person's STYLE. I have done this in the 200, Nitrazepam forum,000 word crime-thriller novel I completed earlier this year (still looking for a publisher) and I think I have done a reasonable job. Online Nitrazepam without a prescription, In fact, I was even more devious. I cloned the style of three of my favourite authors - masters of the art, purchase Nitrazepam for sale. And there is NO REASON why you can't do the same right here in Blog-Land.

There is no replacement for practice. Practice your craft here on these blogs, Nitrazepam For Sale. No prescription Nitrazepam online, What better place could you have. And there will be people who will comment on what you have said and give you immediate feedback. That will allow you to adjust and improve, is Nitrazepam safe. Always analyse the way people react to what you say - both verbally and in the written form. Nitrazepam For Sale, Words and the way we use them (communication) are fundamental to human existence and our ability to surge forward with technology. Buy Nitrazepam from mexico, If you don't believe that... then why are there 700 billion cell phones in the world. Why are we so utterly desperate to communicate with each other ALL the time, Nitrazepam pictures. Remember Tom Hanks in that movie where he was stranded on that deserted island. I forget the name of it now but, in the movie, it drove him nuts, Nitrazepam For Sale. He had nobody to communicate with.

Words are the most powerful weapons that we have in our entire arsenal. They can invoke love or war and everything in between.

Oh... Nitrazepam For Sale, here we go again... into my office has just come "Guts-Ache" number one. She's whimpering for me to give her a doggie treat. See. She is communicating. I know exactly what she wants by the tone of her whine, Nitrazepam For Sale. I'll get her something in a minute when I'm done here.

Finally... whew!...

I will be incommunicado as I travel to the country tomorrow and all weekend to attend a wedding where we have the Martins on one side and the McCoys on the other (that'll be fun, huh. Nitrazepam For Sale, - Yee-Har!). So this will be my last offering for a few days. I wanted it to be a good one to give you all some ideas to ponder upon.

Oh... on that score, if you want some hints and tips on the technical side of writing just have a look down the RHS of my blog - under the Mt Everest blogroll. There you will find some further information on how to sharpen your writing skills, Nitrazepam For Sale. I put them there to help you. Look for "HINTS & TIPS" #'s 3 and 5.

So, if you think I have gone MIA over the next few days then you will be correct. But, in the words of my favourite actor (sh*t, this is revealing far too much about my head-space)... Nitrazepam For Sale, ... "I'll be back!"

Practice. Get those comments happening and as an added bonus you will be strengthening our web-ring like a giant spider's web criss-crossing back and forth. The 'bots and spiders of the search engines will love it and soon we will dominate the entire web!

I sincerely hope this information has been useful to you.

..."Hasta la vista, babies"...

Gary Simpson.

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