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ACTIVE - 80 people (16% of 500)
OCCASIONALLY ACTIVE - 160 people (32% of 500)
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Well, those are the statistical figures. But I can tell you all categorically that there are only 37 people either very active or active, Buy Mazindol Without Prescription. So, out of deference to the above statistics, let's say that the top two categories (ie VERY ACTIVE or ACTIVE), which is some 160 people, is the sum total of people who are doing anything at all, what happened to the other 340 people. And if only 40 or so are really doing anything then why should I want to retain any more than those 40 on my blogeroo. Why would anybody. Dead wood is dead wood.

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Now that the latest "BIG THING" has hit the web - Web Prosperity - with all its massive promises of great wealth for very little activity, I expect that even some of the active and very active members of this Alex Jeffreys Internet Marketing and Mentoring program will have their attention side-tracked and their efforts split, diverted and diluted. I would expect that almost every occasional and completely inactive member of the F500 will race across there like maniacs to get that push-button cure that they so DESPERATELY crave and seek. Massive wealth for zippo! Yippee. "At last I've found it. My holy grail!" (And if anyone quotes that out of context.., Buy Mazindol Without Prescription. watch out. Bad-Gazza isn't bad for no reason.)

Me. Yeah. I'll observe this "latest opportunity." I may even join on the off-chance that it might be different to all the other MLM's that I have been in that have ALL crashed and burned leaving a trail of destruction and ruined lives in their wakes.

But just remember this Buy Mazindol Without Prescription, - BIG WARNING TO FOLLOW HERE - the push button, matrix, "we do EVERYTHING for you and will make you fabulously RICH" scheme is OWNED by somebody else. With a flick of a switch they can DUMP you like yesterday's dinner in your gullet (sorry for the analogy, but they can). In YOUR business YOU own it. YOU do. YOU.

Come on, bash me up. Tell me I am wrong with all this, Buy Mazindol Without Prescription. Convince me that I am reading this all incorrectly. You can sway me if you have a convincing argument. I can usually be talked around if somebody has a more compelling or accurate appraisal than my own of any given situation.

I welcome your thoughts on all of this. Over to you ...

Gary Simpson.

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[caption id="attachment_372" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The Gazz-Man's Tropical Paradise"]The Gazz-Man's Tropical Paradise[/caption]

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Do you want to make a comment here. No scaredy-cats here please. Pussy cats will never be roaring tigers. Lunesta For Sale, And eagles don't flock. Neither do sharks. Pigeons and sardines flock.

You can always waste another year if that is YOUR CHOICE. And please, if you are a tiger in the making, make it brief. We don't want a day by day account, Lunesta For Sale. Three or four sentences is enough (Fancy me saying that. LOL!)

Over to YOU. Go for it. Let's see who's got what it takes. Anyone. Do I hear any roars.

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by Gary ~ December 29th, 2008

I was reflecting this morning on this entire Internet Marketing course that so many of us have undertaken with Alex Jeffreys Clonazepam For Sale, and some of the great interaction I have been having with people from all over the world.

This I did while taking my pupsters on their daily walk, Clonazepam class, Buy Clonazepam online no prescription, though I have stopped calling it "WALKIES" and am now tending to call it "STOPPIES" on account of the incredible number of times we have to stop to share poontang-pies and lemonade-crush with all the neighbours on our 2 km (3 mile) circuit. I swear these two females shoulda been born MALES, online buy Clonazepam without a prescription. Is Clonazepam addictive, This morning's effort(s) went 1-8 for the older one and 1-1 for her younger sister. Yesterday it was 1-9 to 1-3, order Clonazepam online c.o.d.

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Thank you so much Renee. I hope you enjoy the attachment that I sent in my email, Clonazepam For Sale. I'll let that thing loose around here when people have a bit more time on their hands (LOL!). And remember, Renee, you are sworn to secrecy about that other thing - for now anyway.

Regarding the last bit of the title here... "the people you meet and the books that you read"... Clonazepam For Sale, that was an excerpt from a quote from an amazing gentleman who I had the very great privilege of personally meeting TWICE before he passed away. He was Charlie "TREMENDOUS" Jones. And he was TREMENDOUS. Big Charlie (and he was BIG) taught me a lot about attitude. In fact Thomas Skavhellen and me and some of Tom's visitors had a bit of a discussion about Charlie over at Tom's blog the other day. That was where I learned of Charlie's death. And it made me sad, Clonazepam For Sale.

Charlie always said: "You will be the same person tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and in 5, 10, 20 years except for two things - the people you meet and the books you read." And I took that on board and you know what. Charlie was 100% correct. Over the years I have attended countless seminars and read literally 100's of books.

And, I am learning so much just being here in the "F500." We have some WONDERFUL people on the Alex Jeffreys Internet Marketing Course. Clonazepam For Sale, I feel so privileged to be among you folks. And even if it all collapsed tommorrow - which I hope it DOESN'T - I will have had my money's worth.

So, wrapping this all up, WHO are some of your greatest influences - people and books. And why.


PS: Garry Parkes is just about to release his PPP #2 and there ARE some requirements to be included in it with a personal URL entry so, if I were YOU, I'd go and see what he wants you to do and well... DO IT. Simple.

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