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As you may know, Propecia cost, Propecia photos, I have been fore-shadowing the fact that things are gonna go to a whole new level at Gary-Land (ie my blog). I have surreptitiously been laying the "bread-crumb trail" ever since the start of the new year, canada, mexico, india. Effects of Propecia, A little crumb here, a few crumbs there, Propecia price, coupon. Propecia For Sale, Here a crumb, there a crumb, everywhere a crumb, crumb. Get Propecia, But not too many all in one place.

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Hilary Dickinson was perspicacious enough to see some of my hints and bits and pieces that I have been embedding. Hils asked a question of me about her "observations" of this over at her blog. But I deflected her direct question with a short cover drive (cricket term) and ran down the wicket, Propecia For Sale. Now Garry Parkes is a cricket afficionado. He will understand that but, you see, Garry also knows just a little more than most because I have emailed him privately to tell him, inter-alia, that I have engaged somebody of such rare and extreme talent to work on many things here at this blog.

Some of that work will not be immediately evident to the naked eye. However, it WILL be evident and relevant to Google and Yahoo and Alexa and all the other 'bots and spiders and gizmos and things that madly rush around electronically gathering data.

Propecia For Sale, So, who is this technical person? Well, answering that would just spoil all the fun and the BIG surprise I have in store. But I will say this - this person is a world authority in these matters. IM(NS)HO there is NOBODY finer. This person, will be reading this and will probably be more than a little embarrased to see such comments. But let me say this ... I stand in AWE of this person's extreme ability in this field, Propecia For Sale. And the Gazz-Man does not stand in awe of too many people in anything. (You may even find out why at some future stage).

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[PS: This is phase 2 of a 4 part plan].

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  • People ONLY want to visit your blog if you leave value in your comments (GS: this is on your own blog and also when you comment on other people's blogs),

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by Gary ~ January 9th, 2009

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As usual, buy no prescription Temazepam online, Where can i buy Temazepam online, thank you Alex Jeffreys for organizing this. My head is still spinning, Temazepam no rx.

I realize, of course, that not everybody is a F500 member and therefore was not privy to this TON of information, Temazepam For Sale. What is Temazepam, Yours truly – me – took 8 pages of notes so I am gonna précis the information on this webinar. Naturally I will do so without going too crazy and without handing over, Temazepam treatment, After Temazepam, shall we say, “trade secrets” on offer to the 200 or so of the F500 who, Temazepam from canada, Fast shipping Temazepam, like me, availed themselves of this riveting information, order Temazepam from mexican pharmacy. Temazepam recreational, So, rather than waffle on ad-infinitum, Temazepam coupon, Order Temazepam no prescription, I will just bullet point SOME of this information:

As an intro to her credibility and authority in this SUBJECT Maria Andros said she:

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OK, Temazepam from canadian pharmacy. Order Temazepam from United States pharmacy, Have I got YOUR attention? Good. Temazepam For Sale, Coz Maria Andros sure got mine.

Here are just some of the many other pertinent things she said:

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  • * It’s not who YOU know, it’s who knows YOU!

Maria then went on to list the 7 Step Video Formula for $UCCE$$, which I won’t repeat here, for obvious reasons. Try space, for one.

She also went on to say:

  • * If content is king then keywords are queen,

  • * With video you can get to the FRONT pages of Google in as little as 66 minutes IF you know how. (Gazz-Man: Sorry, Temazepam For Sale. Another “trade secret.”)

  • * Maximize your strengths and LEVERAGE your weaknesses (Gazz-Man: Sound familiar. – Hello Alex Jeffreys!)

Maria then gave 11 ACTION Steps (Gazz-Man: See that word again folks?) which, unfortunately… yep, you guessed it… I can’t share here.

Well, with 8 FULL pages of notes can you IMAGINE the new information that I now have to act upon. That was just a very small SAMPLE of the information that was covered in Maria's presentation. Temazepam For Sale, Maybe 2% to 5%.

Heh…heh… something else – the Gazz-Man must be psychic (or psycho) coz guess what he purchased yesterday. Hint – it has a Carl Zeiss lens and a hard drive and a little panel that shows what is coming through the lens – oh… and a tripod. Go on – have a guess.

So... anyone want to tell me what their thoughts are on all of this.

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by Gary ~ January 6th, 2009

Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, Strap yourself in coz this is kinda long (what else would you expect?). I have created this information for you just in case you may be struggling with your blogging. Or, Discount Priligy Dapoxetine, more appropriately ATTRACTING eyeballs to your blog. Do you have that problem. Hmm, thought so.., Priligy Dapoxetine price, coupon.

Many have been noticing this and mentioning it but have YOU noticed how popular my blog is becoming, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. It is getting a LARGE number of comments for almost every topic I put up. And this means one thing... Priligy Dapoxetine blogs, even MORE are viewing this blog.

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[UPDATE 10th March 2010: This blog is now getting - on a REGULAR basis - between 800 and 2,000 visitors per day.]

So, why IS that, real brand Priligy Dapoxetine online. What is happening here. But, Priligy Dapoxetine steet value, more importantly, what can YOU learn to make YOUR blog just as successful. Just to give you some idea... my blog has had 437 entries since Boxing Day 2008 (NB: to 6 January 2009 when this was written). Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, You can add them up yourself if you want just by going down to that day and looking at the public records. But if you bother to do so, Priligy Dapoxetine no prescription, the number will invariably be more.

Plus JFYI, Purchase Priligy Dapoxetine online no prescription, behind the scenes, I have 13 search engines crawling all over my blog madly indexing everything. So, I am expecting a good boost in my Google ranking when that result comes out later this month, Priligy Dapoxetine pharmacy. I don’t have all the technical stuff nailed down tight yet. That will come, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription.

In the last 12 days I have averaged 36 comments per day. Buy Priligy Dapoxetine from mexico, Yeah, OK probably almost half that was me babbling on AND I do have a “captive” audience right now. (It won't be like that for much longer). But how many blogs on the entire internet could boast those figures – especially since this blog was only commissioned on the 27th November 2008, is Priligy Dapoxetine safe. Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, I have had a PLAN since day one and I have been executing it, though not as fast as I wanted. And this is only stage one of my three-part plan. So, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine online cod, if you think I know what I am talking about, read on…

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1 – BE EDUCATIVE or TOPICAL - The topics are either educational or topical and they are almost always provocative, herbal Priligy Dapoxetine. I like to make people think. Jeffrey Dibble Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, hit on this in the last thread about the F500 Statistics. If people can learn something they will come. Effects of Priligy Dapoxetine, If it is bland or just outright boring they will not. Simple.

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We also have some excellent writers here in the F500 TEAM. Find some whose STYLE you like and craft your style around them. Without mentioning every good writer here go and check out Thomas Northrop and Valerie Davies and Hilary Dickinson, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. About Priligy Dapoxetine, These three and others are technically good, amusing and they just make great sense in everything they write. In fact, to give an example, purchase Priligy Dapoxetine for sale, Thomas wrote a piece on Andrew Fox’s blog (Follow the Foxy) the other day that was so crafty, witty and technically brilliant that it made me drool with envy. Priligy Dapoxetine dangers, And I went on Thomas's blog and told him so.

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4B – Visitors who make comments Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, - Why would any blog owner want to answer something like this. “You have a nice blog. Put me on your blogroll.” You know which two words spring immediately to my mind when I see this JUNK. Well, buy Priligy Dapoxetine from canada, to shield sensitive eyes and minds I’ll just give you the last word. It’s “OFF!” This is far worse than saying nothing coz it smacks of ME first, Online buying Priligy Dapoxetine hcl, ME second and ME last. It is utterly insincere and you will be “pegged” because people will see your “dumpings” everywhere they go, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription.

5 – MIX YOUR BLOG UP & INTERACT - This may seem like it contradicts 4 above but it doesn’t IF it is done properly. Many of you will have seen the exchanges between me and Garry Parkes when he came over here with his (STUPID) “Declaration of War” (which, incidentally I “pantsed” him on, Priligy Dapoxetine pics. You KNOW I did Gazza – Admit it. LOL!) That was a perfect opportunity "engineered" by us for so many others to come in and have some fun on both blogs and yet so very few did. Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, What. Priligy Dapoxetine use, Wasn't it funny enough. Did you think we were serious.

Humour is GOOD! Also, check out the tete-a-tete that Nikki (Nix) Stephens and I get into from time to time, purchase Priligy Dapoxetine online. Nikki is very witty and I like trading comments with her. And look at all that GOOD-Gary and BAD-Gary rot that I carry on with, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. It’s just fun. Canada, mexico, india, If you can do it with humour it will make people laugh and show them that you can be fun and they will WANT to come back. But don’t OVERDO it and become a complete clown. (hmm - note to self on that. Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, Yellow sticky post-it on screen - "Gazza, don't be a d*ckhe*d all the time!")

6 – CREDIT PEOPLE - Look at what I have done above. I have mentioned people and given them credit and credibility for what they do, Priligy Dapoxetine price. How many times have you gone to a blog and seen your name mentioned. Never. Priligy Dapoxetine dose, Once. A few times, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. How do you feel when you see that. Good. Yep. Me too. Nigel Yip Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, recently said something along the lines of “Gary Simpson’s most excellent blog.” Wow. But be SINCERE (I know you were Nigel!) and ONLY give praise when it is DESERVED. If you praise everyone all the time then you will be seen as a suck-holing praise idiot. Be judicious and don’t play favourites.

7 – PUT FRESH CONTENT UP AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN – Have you ever visited a DEAD blog. That’s one where the owner just lets it all go for weeks and sometimes even months, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. Pretty uninspiring, isn’t it. Why would anyone want to put a comment up on a dead blog.

Again I will say this - GET ACTIVE! Nobody wants to visit a corpse and talk to it.

Anyway, these are some of my ideas and observations about getting your blog humping and pumping. Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription, I have a lot more to offer but, like I said above, I don’t wanna hog the whole subject. Remember, I have posted this to help YOU.

I’d be happy to receive any comments or questions if you want to come and speak your mind.


[UPDATE 10 March 2010: Apart from the above, could this huge traffic flow possibly have something to do with (a) having an ACTION Plan. Ooh, look. There's a (free) ACTION Planner over there on the RH column, Buy Priligy Dapoxetine Without Prescription. And (b) using Twitter intelligently. Oh, gee... lookey, lookey again. There's a (free) Twitter-Muscle book there too. OK, I'd better run now. I have horses to water (hint). And you have MORE visitors to attract.]

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