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Just to give you a sample of what Psycho Cybernetics contains, let me select a few excerpts to share with you:

"It usually requires a minimum of about 21 days to effect any perceptible change in mental image."
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"Resentment, even when based on real injustices and wrongs, is not the way to win. It soon becomes and emotional habit. Habitually feeling that you are a victim of injustice, you behin to picture yourself in the role of a victimised person. You carry around an inner feeling which is looking for an external peg to hang itself on."

"Ideas are changed not by 'will' but by other ideas."
[See addendum below]

"God sees us as men and women through whom He can do great work."

"IMAGINATION plays a far more important role in our lives than most of us realise."

Maxwell Maltz was one of the world's most widely known and highly regarded plastic surgeons. He lectured in Amsterdam, Paris and Rome universities. He also performed plastic surgery in Nicaragua and El Salvador, Atomoxetine For Sale. He passed away in 1975.

As I said at the beginning of this topic, do NOT let the rather weird title of this book put you off. I was speaking with Garry Parkes about it just before I finished this post and I mentioned to him that Maxwell Maltz's Psycho Cybernetics would be in my TOP 5 motivation and self esteem books. I recommend that everybody should read it. It is simply superb.


ADDENDUM: I used some of the information in Psycho Cybernetics to write my own e-book called BRAIN TRAINING Atomoxetine For Sale, several years ago and it has helped a lot of people with issues ranging from motivation, self-esteem, weight loss, quit smoking and the like. There is even a template and instructions on how you can write your own affirmation to combat whatever mindset you may have difficulty with. [shameless plug]

Here is an example of an affirmation from BRAIN TRAINING. It is to do with "happiness." Since, most people want happiness but find it so difficult to achieve try this for 28 days - write it out by hand onto a small card and read it every morning when you get out of bed and every night before you go to bed.


"A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me. I am choosing to be happy every day no matter what circumstances I find myself in, Atomoxetine For Sale. I awaken each day with a smile on my face because I know I will be at my best when I am happy. Other people see my happiness as a sign of great strength. I smile and greet people with genuine enthusiasm. My own happiness leaves everyone I meet in a happier state. Atomoxetine For Sale, Being happy is a wonderful feeling. A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me."

If you repeat this happiness affirmation in the manner that I have described something incredible will happen to you. Suddenly, upon awakening, you will mysteriously already have a smile on your face. What a way to start the day. Try it.

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