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by Gary ~ August 21st, 2009

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I've been exchanging comments with a guy who I really like trading ideas (and witticisms) with over the last week and something occurred to me during that exchange. And it has to do with that word that I really rather cringe at even saying or typing. But here goes... Generic Retin-A, ... G... G.., Buy Retin-A Without Prescription. Gu... Guru, online buying Retin-A hcl.

There, I spat it out. Buy Retin-A from mexico, First, let me explain why I really don't like that word. Buy Retin-A Without Prescription, Well, to be honest, I just find it dopey. So I run to Mr Webster to get the definitive meaning. Here it is (verbatim):

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Those very same people are NEVER the ones that wanna read any of my e-books. Doses Retin-A work, Oh no. They just want to keep asking me dopey effing questions - one at a time - MOST of which are explained in my e-books.

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How do you help people like that when they won’t help themselves, where can i find Retin-A online. (Note to D-Man: I’m fuelling up here for another mad rant on my blog - might even turn this into a post of its own). Buy Retin-A Without Prescription, So, if you are ONE of those people (not you D-man. Just talking in general with this bit) - get the FRIKKIN e-book. Retin-A duration, Then AFTER you’ve studied it - THEN ask me a question if you didn’t understand something. Christ. How much easier can I make this.

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by Gary ~ August 17th, 2009

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I hope you have been enjoying my Internet Marketing Tips videos too, Buy Niravam Without Prescription. Niravam gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, I have five of them up now and many more to follow. Keep an eye out for them coz some are serious and some are frivolous and just poke fun at things. That's me, Niravam price. I can't be serious all the time. But today I want to be serious. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, Oh... Comprar en línea Niravam, comprar Niravam baratos, oh. That usually means... RANT coming, cheap Niravam no rx. Well, Buy Niravam without prescription, not really but close to it.

You see, today I want to talk about blog hijackers, Buy Niravam Without Prescription.

What's a blog hijacker. A blog hijacker is like a graffiti idiot. They come to a blog with the intention of spraying their invective bile all over everyone and everything, Niravam without prescription. They make disparaging and often completely incorrect comments in a feeble attempt to "take over" the purpose and intent of the blog. Kjøpe Niravam på nett, köpa Niravam online, In other words, they just want to disrupt everybody from the target of the blog. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, Most often they attempt this by trying to "take down" the blog owner - to make him or her look foolish to the blog owner's readers.

Blog hijackers nit-pick on things like innocent comments or even spelling mistakes, purchase Niravam online no prescription. They are hecklers. Niravam dose, Yesterday I was at a blog belonging to an aquaintance of mine, Dean Holland (Deano and I were in Las Vegas together in May/June this year), who is trying to help people understand the miasma of Internet Marketing, Niravam no prescription. I think Dean is doing a pretty good job. But then.., Buy Niravam Without Prescription. Niravam interactions, ... along comes "Mike." Well, I doubt if that is his real name but that is what he called himself, online buy Niravam without a prescription.

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I have seen this type of miserable behavior before, discount Niravam. Many times, Niravam price, coupon, in fact. Such individuals think (erroneously, I might add) that if they can take down the King or the Queen (ie the blog owner) that they can assume some sort of leadership or importance mantle, taking Niravam. But it almost always backfires and simply makes them look foolish.

It's a classic case of an individual attempting to disrupt a project by hijacking it to place all the emphasis on himself (or herself - but it is usually males who do this), Buy Niravam Without Prescription. Niravam online cod, It's a matter of low self-worth and low self-esteem manifesting itself through jealousy.

When such an individual feels in his or her own mind that he or she cannot be part of a group moving forward they attempt to strike back by shredding the sails and throwing out the anchor. They sabotage the group by whatever means possible, Niravam pharmacy.

We see this often with disruptive junior students in classrooms across the country. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, Unfortunately, there are older people - who should know better - but have never grown out of this negative mindset. Niravam images, [Maybe they should study my "Mindset" e-book... but of course, they wouldn't do that, ordering Niravam online. Their mindset just wouldn't allow it]

These hijackers attempt to divert attention away from the direction and focus of the group by being critical - often over the most trivial of issues. Where can i buy cheapest Niravam online, In the case above, Mike attempted to belittle Dean for mis-spelling the word bonanza. However, in doing so he committed his own literary gaffe, Buy Niravam Without Prescription. I won't go into what that was here but he also told everyone that they were "blowing smoke up each other's backsides." Then, Niravam overnight, when he was castigated for that, After Niravam, he did what MOST of these types do. He then assumed (incorrectly) that he was the victim and told his own critic, "not to get personal." Duh!

This is also a common trait of these people - they can give it but they cannot take it, Niravam cost. But worse than that here is what happens:

The "Mike's" of this world are given a second chance and sometimes they "play along" for a little while. Online buying Niravam, But what they really want to do is divide and conquer. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, They want some of the visitors/readers to take their side with the empathetic/sympathetic approach. They like nothing more than for other commenters to start FLAME WARS against each other. This is their intention, where can i order Niravam without prescription. They want the focus to be on their poor behavior. Niravam over the counter, And when they can achieve factional camps within the blog then they are well on their way to the disruption that the initial criticism set out to achieve.

Some months ago, I watched negatively inspired people attempt to hijack Mike Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing 2.0 launch during his live streaming, Buy Niravam Without Prescription. There were some people at that event who were hell-bent on ONE THING only - taking Mike Filsaime down. Why, buy cheap Niravam no rx. Same reasons - low self-esteem manifesting itself as extreme jealously. Niravam from canadian pharmacy, When the negative ones can get people focussed on their own ridiculous sideshows then they feel satisfied with their usual miserable existence. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, They re-inforce their own negative mindsets. Their equilibrium is restored.

If they are not banned from the discussion then they just keep needling away enough to keep the two emerging factions (those "sympathetic" towards the aggravator and those aggravated by the aggravator) watching all comments like hawks to see who says what, Niravam dangers. This keeps the entire sideshow simmering away in the background. Niravam schedule, The best thing to do (after ONE opportunity has been given to ameliorate poor behaviour on a blog) is to remove the errant individual. Fair criticism is OK, Buy Niravam Without Prescription. However, blog hijack is something entirely different, Niravam alternatives.

Michel Fortin of and Christopher Knight of have stated many times on their respective blogs that their blogs are NOT democracies. Niravam for sale, And that's fair enough.

Owners invest a LOT of time and money into their blogs. Buy Niravam Without Prescription, What rights do interlopers have to come and attempt to destroy all that work.

Quite simply, if somebody doesn't like a website or a blog then they should just STAY AWAY!

So, after all that... what do you think. Remember, I'm open to well-placed disagreement but, as the blog owner here, I also have the "dump button."

[PS1: BTW... Mike, if you come here via my link on Dean's blog you can defend your actions. However, if you try that garbage that you pulled on over there with Dean then I'll do what he did and it will be sayonara to you.]

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PS 2: If you want to watch Internet Marketing Tips #1 then you can watch it here: Internet Marketing Tips #1

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