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2 - Inform the site owner (whoever that is) that LeeDavidhcz has breached their copyright TOS and the International Copyright Convention of Berne as set down in 1886 and accepted as the worldwide standard and the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty.

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Last time I looked, copyright theft was a serious crime. LeeDavidhcz is only doing it to make money by defrauding me and, no doubt, many others.

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So, I invite the OWNER of to come here and make a statement that he or she will act upon the "account" of LeeDavidhcz and close this thief's account and remove all his theft from their site.

Here's another big piece of PROOF against you LeeDavidhcz... you see, you are such a LAZY copyright thief that you didn't even notice that the article that I wrote stated:

One of my short stories "The Power of Choice" is now in e-book format. This story has been sent from my various websites to thousands of people in dozens and dozens of countries all over the world. It has received remarkable accolades from so many people from as far as the UK to Iceland to Canada to the USA, Buy Strattera Without Prescription. I have pages and pages of emails from people telling me how the story affected them in such a positive manner.

Did YOU write Power of Choice too did you LeeDavidhcz. I suppose that's why it has MY name on it and is sitting right here on MY blog.

Watch out LeeDavidhcz - YOU have committed an international crime here and I am on your case.


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Now, FINALLY - something positive in all this nastiness...

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So, the point to all this is as follows - you knew I would get around to it eventually, didn't you. There is abuse on both sides of the equation. Subscribing and unsubscribing and marketing information of value versus pounding subscribers with useless shit day-in-day-out is a two-way street. Or it should be. It should be a fair exchange. But FAR too often it is not.

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There is valuable free information out there and there are dog turds wrapped up in pretty paper presented as a F F FR FR FREE gift (sorry about the stutter there). How do you know unless you stick around long enough to see what's on offer.


When the marketer abuses the relationship - it's UNSUBSCRIBE time. Buy Modalert Without Prescription, Conversely, when the opt-in subscriber abuses the relationship - it's list chopping time. In the words of Harrison Ford in "Air Force One" as he was struggling with that terrorist in the cargo bay... "Get off my plane!"

So, what are your thoughts. Tell me your experiences (please keep names out of it).


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