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Stilnox For Sale

by Gary ~ August 15th, 2010

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I wasn’t even going to write this blog post but then it occurred to me…

… I haven’t had a good ole rant for a long time – like… almost a week. Plus, Where to buy Stilnox, I've been holding off making a public statement and taking a stance on this issue for too long. And that just ain't me. Nobody is ever gonna die wondering what I think about something I consider to be important, Stilnox dangers. Those who know me well know that you can take that to the bank.

So, what am I cooking up today, Stilnox For Sale. Stilnox treatment, Well, I just want to rave on about everyone’s favorite misery whinge at the moment and throw my 2 cents into the ring.

It seems as though Internet Marketers are forming up into TWO big opposing groups – those who wish to deceive and con versus those who don’t, Stilnox online cod. I will call the former group the “Decepticons”, Stilnox wiki, mainly because that is what they are mostly about – deceiving and conning.

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In other words they are the “bad guys.” So, Stilnox maximum dosage, moving along with this theme and relating it to Internet Marketing

Decepticons will use false subject lines such as:

- “Notification of Payment Received”

That’s a real nasty because it tricks people – especially beginners - into thinking they have made a sale. So they eagerly open the email to see what the payment was for and then they get presented with some crap like: “Now that I have gained your attention…” Stilnox For Sale, Well, it sure gains mine – I start hunting for the UNSUBSCRIBE link straight away.

That deceptive subject line is bloody awful. I’ve even seen several experienced marketers use it, Stilnox overnight. They should get a damn good kick up the a** for it. Stilnox use, Here’s another very "popular" misleading subject line:

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This is designed to trick you into thinking that somebody is actually replying to you because that is the prefix given to ALL replies to emails that you send. Again, a trick – and a pretty moronic one at that, Stilnox For Sale. Why. Because the instant that you realize that the email isn’t personal you lose TOTAL interest and wonder who this putz is, buy Stilnox online no prescription. Then you get annoyed that they would play such a trick on you and… UNSUBSCRIBE. Buying Stilnox online over the counter, Here’s another commonly used Decepticon subject line:

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Are you starting to see a pattern here? These Decepticons are SO bereft of talent that they have to resort to trickery and con-artistry to try to get you to open up their crap and then HOPE that because you did that you will either click on something that will take you to a sales page or an opt-in page to surrender your details for – wait for it – even MORE of their JUNK!

Now, here’s a particularly untalented Decepticon subject line that is doing the rounds FAR too often and is all the “rage” at the moment:

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Do you like them?

I sure don’t, buy no prescription Stilnox online. And it would seem that NOBODY else does either, Stilnox For Sale. But the dill-brains using them just continue to use them to build massive lists that are becoming MORE and MORE unresponsive by the day. Get Stilnox, Very soon anyone engaging in email marketing will have to have a list of 100,000 just to get 100 opens. And that 100 will be the greenest of green raw beginners on the planet, Stilnox used for. And when THEY wise-up they won’t be opening these emails either.

Rampant adswapping has caused this malaise Stilnox For Sale, . What is Stilnox, I’m not against adswapping. I think it has its place but so many people now are so feverish to build an enormous list that they will stoop to almost any level to fool people into handing over their name and/or email address. So, purchase Stilnox online no prescription, rather than be creative and tell the bloody truth, Online buying Stilnox hcl, they resort to misleading people.

What the Decepticons clearly have NOT factored into their equation – quite apart from the rising percentage of people unsubscribing from virtually ANY email contact - is the MASS de-sensitisation of ALL those receiving these deceptive and highly misleading emails. Even after a relatively short period of time most people wise up and stop being fooled by them, Stilnox For Sale.

Like you, Stilnox mg, I am on 100’s of lists. Australia, uk, us, usa, I rarely unsubscribe – unless somebody sends me endless worthless junk that’s been around since the first moon landing OR they pound me mercilessly with far too many emails.

I was talking to a colleague the other day who found himself on a list where the owner began to barrage him with 4 emails per day and then ramped it up to 8. Yes, Stilnox treatment. 8 emails per day – EVERY day! Stilnox For Sale, That is abusing the system if I have ever heard of it. What if everyone started doing that. Stilnox dose, No wonder autoresponders are becoming more expensive to use and are breaking down more often.

Some Decepticons also think they are pretty clever by hitting the space bar 20 or 30 times before they add the mandatory unsubscribe link too. Well, purchase Stilnox, not only is that unethical and against the TOS of most autoresponders but also – how STUPID. Even a rank beginner can drag the scroll bar down to where it is hiding at the bottom of 10, 20 or even 50 folds of white space, Stilnox For Sale. Comprar en línea Stilnox, comprar Stilnox baratos, Deceptive and… dumb.

When this is all said and done, there are still people out there in marketing cyberland who will send you GOOD information – not all of it demanding your name or email address on EVERY occasion, my Stilnox experience. Some will point you to blog posts, Buy Stilnox from mexico, some will just send free information and some… just a few, like me, will even send you the occasional NO opt-in pdf, Stilnox online cod. But even when the honest and ethical people do these things the ignore rate and the unsubscribe rate is still very high because of what the Decepticons are doing. Stilnox For Sale, It has almost reached epidemic proportions. Stilnox reviews, In fact, I take that back. It has, Stilnox over the counter. It’s now a PANDEMIC. It hurts everyone, Order Stilnox online overnight delivery no prescription, fills up everyone’s email account with tons and tons of useless junk and desensitizes everyone. And don’t expect it to stop any time soon. The ONLY time it will stop is when open rates are so LOW that the Decepticons finally realize that all they have been doing is sh*tting in their own nests OR stronger rules of the CAN-Spam Act are invoked, Stilnox For Sale.

What are your thoughts? What are the email subject lines and tactics that you detest the most. Have your say. In fact, RANT all you want. You can disagree with me if you want too. Stilnox For Sale, If you want to blast me, go ahead. Just be prepared for the return salvo. Seriously, say what you want. If you have a reasoned argument that disproves what I have said above then I will NOT censor you. I promise.

While I'm at it - here's another PROMISE - I will NEVER send you a misleading or deceptive email subject line. I'd rather be creative than follow blindly the lead of the Decepticons, Stilnox For Sale. Plus I have too much pride in what I do to be so banal.

For me… I’ll be an “Autobot” any day of the week.


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by Gary ~ August 6th, 2010

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Well, today something happened and I've been thinking about it ever since. It's all to do with attitude.

I’ll bet you know people who have wonderful attitudes. Buy Niravam from canada, I’ll also bet you know people whose attitudes stink too.

Today I came across somebody whose attitude was abysmal. It stunk to high-heaven from the moment I laid eyes on him, Niravam street price. Let me tell you what happened…

OK, Niravam For Sale. I’d been working in my office since early morning and I really needed a break, Niravam from canada, so I decided to go out and buy some lunch. I drove to a local fast food outlet that sells all that really healthy stuff – you know… chicken, chips, Niravam trusted pharmacy reviews, soft drinks. Niravam forum, Only joking. But that's where I ended up. I just needed FOOD! Niravam For Sale, Anyway, in I walked and ordered my food.

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Rude pr*ck – I’ll call him that (because that is EXACTLY what he was) – opens his wallet and retrieves a crunched up ten dollar note and just throws it on the counter in front of her. I watched him do it, Niravam results, sighed and mentally just shook my head in disgust. Niravam images, The young lady had her hand open to receive the money. She looks at him enquiringly and he just looks back at her. Niravam For Sale, She repeats the amount owed. He opens the side flap on his wallet, where to buy Niravam, pulls out five dollars in coins and drops them onto the counter so they run everywhere. Niravam long term, I take a deep breath...

This reminded me of a certain boofhead who incurred my wrath at the bar of the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas in January – only he was in the reverse position. He was the so-called "service provider" - the bar-tender. I won’t go into it here but those who were with me at the time saw what happened to his BAD attitude that day, Niravam for sale.

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I felt really sorry for this poor kid. Where can i find Niravam online, Why should she be subjected to this treatment. I see it a fair bit in my travels and I wonder what the proponents of this rudeness get out of having a lousy, stinking attitude, purchase Niravam online. Niravam For Sale, Is it some sort of perverse thrill. Or don’t they even KNOW they are doing it. Generic Niravam, Do they live such hideously miserable lives that they just want to spread their infections.

I thought about it while I waited to get my meal. Then I remembered something, Niravam pics. I remembered him opening his wallet, Niravam For Sale. The scrunched up ten buck note he pulled out was all that he had in it. Is Niravam safe, It made me wonder if his attitude was a result of his lack of money or if his lack of money was a result of his attitude. The latter I would suggest.

I have always been of the belief that, where can i cheapest Niravam online, when dealing with people – especially people working in lowly-paid, Buy cheap Niravam, menial jobs - that a drop of honey is more valuable than a gallon of vinegar. Niravam For Sale, Anyway, I made sure that I thanked the young lady and gave her a big smile before I turned and gave the guy one last BLAST of a look that left him with absolutely no uncertain impression that I was NOT impressed with his disgusting performance.

I may come back and tell you about the beggar woman that I observed in Los Angeles a few years ago. That’s an interesting story too, cheap Niravam no rx.

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Sonata For Sale

by Gary ~ July 8th, 2010

I hope that STUPID headline Sonata For Sale, gave you a good laugh. But I have a reason for it (apart from giving you a bit of a chuckle).

Well, Sonata blogs, we’ve ALL seen them – sales pages making OUTRAGEOUS claims for income and wealth. Buy cheap Sonata no rx, Do you believe them? We’ve seen - Rich Jerk, Rich Janitor, Rich This, cheap Sonata, Rich That, Order Sonata from United States pharmacy, blah, blah, blah… And now we have the latest variation of this theme - the Rich 16 Year Old, Sonata samples.

It would seem that headlines and claims are now becoming more and more bold, Purchase Sonata for sale, outrageous and even aggressive, so it goes to follow that people are probably NOT believing them. Hence, in the dog-chasing-its-tail syndrome, the claims are becoming more and more ridiculous and sensationalistic, Sonata For Sale.

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I recently received a spam email from somebody (supposedly) about a 16 year old girl who is SUPPOSEDLY making millions with “her” system. There was also the provocative claim that she had Sonata For Sale, recently made $405,179.29 in just 45 days. And then she claims: "That's $119, about Sonata,738.50 in my pocket in the last 7 days, Sonata no rx, and I never even had to leave home for it!" Heady stuff huh. Against my better judgment (*sigh*), I decided to check it out, real brand Sonata online. I was curious – and therein lies a little LESSON in itself, Sonata without prescription, but I will press on.

Well, there she was – a picture of her, Sonata price, coupon. A couple of them, Sonata For Sale. In one picture she was proudly displaying Cickbank checks. Taking Sonata, In the text, she was claiming to be a bit of a brat (probably true at that age – LOL). She said she “didn’t care.” (Whatever, Sonata schedule. – the favorite word of teens around this age. If you know any teens or have teens of your own you will KNOW what I mean… WHATEVER!)

While scrolling down the sales page I was looking at I noticed a picture of an expensive late model Bentley sedan with some stickers on the windscreen suggesting it was hers and some words below the picture saying: Sonata For Sale, “The Rich 16's $220,000 Bentley, before I'm even officially licensed to drive, haha.” Interestingly, the number plate had been blurred out. Where can i buy cheapest Sonata online, I could only think that this was to prevent those who would have the wherewithal to check the plate - and determine who the true owner was – from doing so. So, there was a little HINT, Sonata wiki.

Then there were all the usual screenshots of Clickbank checks and account information. Sonata pharmacy, Curiously, there was also a copy of a letter from Clickbank with certain sections conveniently blanked out. What struck me as odd is that all the names in all the letters and the Clickbank checks were ALL blurred out, Sonata For Sale. Why, canada, mexico, india. The young lady had already identified herself and told us her name. Sonata overnight, She’d already signed off using her name at the bottom of the sales letter too. Her identity had already been established – unless, of course, Sonata price, she was using a pseudonym (in which case it would have been more credible if she had stated so).

The letter displayed was from the Clickbank Premier Elite Program Sonata For Sale, . Where can i buy Sonata online, I don’t doubt its authenticity. What I do doubt, however, Sonata no prescription, is WHO it was addressed to. Sonata maximum dosage, The picture of the envelope it came in also had the name blurred out. So, in my mind, Sonata steet value, at least, Ordering Sonata online, the value of those pieces of “PROOF” was immediately diminished by the suspicion they aroused.

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Also, in the text of the letter it stated in the opening sentence: "This letter is to confirm that (name obscured) has been receiving payments (words removed) for our retail website,, buy Sonata online cod, since November of 2006." Um… the 16 year old says on the page that she isn’t good at math. Buy Sonata no prescription, Fair enough. Sonata For Sale, But I am. That means she started 4 years ago which would have made her 12 years old. Another HINT that all may not be kosher with this promotional material, discount Sonata.

My detective nose started to twitch. Sonata canada, mexico, india, So, I spent a few minutes digging around and lo-and-behold… I found an almost identical page from a more “credible” source that used the SAME graphics – minus the insertion of the 16 year old girl’s persona and her deliberately portrayed “I don’t care what you think of me” attitude. It reeked of the “Rich Jerk” sales page from some years ago, Sonata For Sale. A clone attempt, online buy Sonata without a prescription. The other site displayed the same product, Where can i order Sonata without prescription, same color scheme, very similar information. In essence, Sonata dangers, it was the SAME.

Well, maybe she (or the person behind her persona) really is an affiliate of the original source. Sonata For Sale, I don’t know. But the way that the sales page was written it suggested that this young girl had miraculously stumbled across a system of her own that had heaped wealth on her very quickly. Of course, this is playing up to the age-old greed and “me too” component in all of us. Brain thinks: “If a 16 year old kid can do this then the system she is using MUST BE INCREDIBLE.” Next brain thought: “I WANT this!” Sales psychology 101 in action.

Now, I’m not averse to using “creative” headlines myself. Heck, Sonata For Sale. Look what I did with this. But they have to have some honesty and the entire presentation needs to be CONSISTENT. In this instance it isn’t. The whole page is just too contradictory. Sonata For Sale, Nevertheless, there are dozens of people promoting it. I checked it. There they are – all out there with their Clickbank hoplinks. I wonder if they are using the “system” themselves or are just blindly whoring it to make commissions off the unwary. The latter I would suspect.

So, what next, Sonata For Sale. What about this for an OUTRAGEOUS HEADLINE?...

“The BILLIONAIRE FETUS Reveals How It Became Wealthy Online While STILL in Its Mother's Womb - NO Computer Skills Necessary.” (“wah-wah: How could I get a computer in here anyway. Goo-goo-ga-ga”)

SUMMARY: Don’t believe everything that you see or hear. Do your DUE DILIGENCE. Sonata For Sale, Remember, if there’s a few bucks in it MANY people will promote it and SOME will promote ANYTHING and more than a few will just blatantly rip-off anyone and everyone.

Interesting footnote: In between me starting and finishing this blog post, the video at the top of the so-called 16 year old’s site has now been removed from YouTube because of – wait for it… “terms of use violation.” Interesting huh.

You can add your comments to this discussion in the area below if you so desire.


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Every deck is shuffled differently because we are ALL different – different strengths and different weaknesses.

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Little did you know that the very next card you turned over could have been an ace, Famvir coupon. The chance of turning up one of those 4 aces is getting better with every card turned, Buy Famvir Without Prescription. But you became impatient and frustrated. About Famvir, So, you start again. You start turning the cards in a new deck… 5, buy Famvir without a prescription, 5, Famvir pics, 6, 10 and 3. Aaagh, Famvir from canadian pharmacy. Buy Famvir Without Prescription, Time to tear the hair out. “GIVE ME ANOTHER DECK!”

Then you look across at another player and the very FIRST card that person turns over is... Canada, mexico, india, an ACE. Aaaaaaaaagh.

DAMN! What is wrong with YOUR deck, Famvir over the counter.

Well, the answer is nothing, Buy Famvir Without Prescription. You just haven’t tried long enough or hard enough. Famvir wiki, Then somebody else in the same field of activity turns up an ace on their 15th card. DOUBLE DAMN! Frustration and negative emotion sets in and you get down on yourself.

You demand another deck, Famvir blogs. Buy Famvir Without Prescription, And your very first card is… a joker. Jokers are those people in life who seem to exist only to upset, Famvir schedule, rip us off, ridicule and/or annoy us. We all have to deal with them, Famvir recreational. They are part of life. Famvir dosage, It’s how you respond to them that determines how badly they will affect you.

You grab the rest of the deck and throw it all over the floor in anger, Buy Famvir Without Prescription. Then you brood about how UNFAIR everything is…

Have you ever felt that way. I have. But let's think about it.


What did the other players do that you didn’t. Buy Famvir Without Prescription, The obvious answer is that they persisted. Have you given yourself long enough to succeed. Are you comparing your strengths and weaknesses unfairly with the strengths and weaknesses of others. In other words, could you be comparing one of your weaknesses with one of the greatest strengths of another person. If you are doing that then you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed.


Basically, you have three choices:

1 - Keep chopping and changing decks before you give your deck a decent opportunity to produce,
2 - Just stop trying and get out of the game completely, Buy Famvir Without Prescription. Maybe try another game. Or…
3 - Keep turning over the cards thereby improving your chances card-by-card.

So, what are YOU going to do.

Well, if you are persistent enough you will keep turning those cards over. Buy Famvir Without Prescription, The odds are that you SHOULD turn over an ace in every 13 cards but if you don’t then you should know that the more cards you turn over without finding that elusive ace the better your chances will become.

Be persistent enough to give yourself the opportunity of winning.


I hope this short analogy has helped you. I use it often. It’s an original idea that I had many years ago and I’ve never seen anybody else view things in this manner. Has it helped you, Buy Famvir Without Prescription. I hope so.


PS: Feel free to make a comment below.

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