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Sure the Michael Jackson's of the world come along very seldom. He had precocious talent, Zoloft For Sale. But he still had demons that he wrestled with on a daily basis - just like you invariably do.

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We will continue to mourn those who shared their lives and talents with us but the most mournful thing of all will be the fact that they can no longer share their genius with us. Can you imagine the joy that Michael Jackson and John Lennon and Elvis Presley and others could have brought to the world had they lived on.

YOU have greatness locked within you. When are you going to release it and share it with us, Zoloft For Sale.

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What legacy will YOU leave behind to show us all that you walked on this earth. Zoloft For Sale, When are you going to leave your mark.

RIP Michael Jackson - August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
RIP Farrah Fawcett - February 2, 1947 – June 25, 2009

Feel free to make any comments below...


PS: Sorry, but I can't reveal any details about who the "big star" was in my opening paragraph other than "he was a he" and he knew Michael Jackson well. And yes, this guy had "issues" too.

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by Gary ~ June 14th, 2009

Mefenorex For Sale, I’m finally back home in Oz after attending the Internet Marketing Seminars in Las Vegas in May and June 2009.

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    Now I know I have missed some people out, Mefenorex For Sale. Please don't be offended. I am SO jet-lagged and only just had 8 hours sleep after arriving home from Las Vegas to Los Angeles (a 1.5 hour flight with a 4 hour stop over) then LAX to Brisbane, generic Mefenorex, Australia (a 14.5 hour flight with a 2 hour stopover) then Brisbane to Perth (a 5 hour flight). Then my kids insisted on coming over to see me so I had to stay awake for another 4 hours talking (semi-consciously) to them. No prescription Mefenorex online, When you add all this up (including waking up in the morning to pack, leave the hotel and get to McCarran airport in Vegas the wait for the flight to LA - 12 hours) it comes to 43 hours awake. Mefenorex For Sale, I can't sleep on planes.

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    But let me back the truck up for a moment... Online buying Mefenorex, I think I was the first one to arrive in Las Vegas - just ahead of Dean Holland and Dan Briffa. Dean and Dan were booked into the New York, New York Casino Hotel, as were most of the others, Mefenorex no rx. I booked into the (luxury) Luxor (the pyramid shaped one with the laser beam at the apex - which supposedly shoots 10 miles into the night sky - attracting aliens, no doubt) coz I have stayed there before and I liked it - plus I knew my way through the labyrinth of hotel floors and walkways between them all.

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  • - the (so called) homeless guy on the bridge between the Excalibur and New York, New York casinos - I decided that we should each give him a crispy (US $1.00). This scene is already in a composite video that is up at You-Tube - watch out for the comments about "moths" and "you're not a millionaire in disguise, Cheap Mefenorex, are you?" We laughed ourselves stupid over that and attracted a fair bit of attention from the bemused pedestrians (read that as drunks - almost EVERYBODY is staggering around with some sort of booze in their hand - mostly those giant yard glasses full of margueritas!) You can see that "moth" clip here: MOTHS (Go to 2:24 to 2:33) There is a fuller version here: GIVING $$$ TO THE HOMELESS DUDE & MOTHS FLYING OUT OF BRIFF'S WALLET (Go to 4:21 to 5:57)

  • - the scene at the Aquarium at the Mandalay Casino (Dan wanted to go there coz he likes fish - in fact, he wants to EAT them all) where they were crapping on about the black-tipped, black-finned shark, so named because it has black tips on its tail and fins, Mefenorex steet value. Well, that just got on my nerves so I had to give the REAL explanation of the name. Comprar en línea Mefenorex, comprar Mefenorex baratos, You can see that "shark" and "manta ray" clip here: SHARKS & MANTA RAYS (Go to 2:58 to 3:33)

  • - My ridiculous rendition of Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time" - brought about by a poster of her that I saw at Caesar's Palace. I decided to do her dance and then "throw" my leg up over a travellator rail like she did on that battleship in the video clip. Duh, Mefenorex For Sale. You can see that "Cher" clip here: WATCH OUT CHER! (Go to 2:33 to 2:46) WARNING: This is disturbing!

  • - the "ALIEN" scene as we were coming out of that aquarium where I grabbed a toy octopus and attacked Dan in the chest with it (much to the annoyance of the shop owner). Clip coming...

  • - the "diamond" encrusted tricycle in the shop window. That is the one that Dan is gonna buy when he becomes a world famous Internet Marketer. Clip coming...
  • Mefenorex For Sale, Oh dear. These were just a few of the madcap moments that Dean and Dan and I captured on video the first day.

    Oh, back to work, I also managed to make about 15 short videos on Internet Marketing at the various casino locations. Some of them are actually quite good and they give decent Internet Marketing tips. But some of them are just more madness. As Marshall Sylver (the hypnotist) at Mike Filsaime's seminars said: "Funny is money." So, I'll just wait for it all to start rolling in, Mefenorex For Sale.

    Anyway, I will have a LOT more to say soon. And I will be uploading a lot of those videos and photos for you all to see. I am facing a LOT of work here (including having to take over a $100,000 pa franchise that one of my franchisees decided to walk away from while I was in the US - don't ask. There is a world recession on - apparently - and one of my guys decides that he doesn't want this money). Mefenorex For Sale, More to come...




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