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by Gary ~ December 1st, 2010

My Declaration of WAR Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, on Junk and Junk Material in Internet Marketing


I must warn you... before you go any further that I am in mad rant mode today. And I will probably come under attack for what I'm about to say but I'm gonna say it anyway.

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That little exercise wasted about 25 minutes of my day and it left me feeling SOOOO disappointed. But also betrayed, Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. I felt betrayed by the person who shoved it at me in an obvious adswap in the first place and I felt betrayed by the person who took me on their MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR only to get... more crap that will do nothing to educate or inform me, Temazepam trusted pharmacy reviews. Well, I take that back... Doses Temazepam work, ... it DID educate me Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, . It educated me NOT to be like that. Look, I KNOW that there really is NO free lunch out there but pa-lease - don't sell me the sizzle then offer me a sh*t sandwich, Temazepam forum. Good grief.

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.., Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. Temazepam samples, I haven't officially released this yet but, because of all I said above and because I don't want to disappoint anybody in the way that I was disappointed, conned, fooled, australia, uk, us, usa, cheated, betrayed then take this:

It's my second e-newsletter. Temazepam mg, NO opt-in, NO horsing around with any circuitous route designed to distract you and NO tricks. Straight up information FIRST. After that you do what YOU want, purchase Temazepam for sale. Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, Yes, there ARE links inside but it's YOUR choice as to whether you click them or not. I'm NOT holding you hostage. YOU choose. All the links lead to (what I believe) are highly useful products or pages and NOT some crappy, Temazepam gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, cobbled together PLR (Public Lending Rights) piece of junk that was NEVER any good way back when the illiterate writer slammed it together in a psychotic burst of drunken stupor in the first place.

I hope that last bit made you smile, or at least smirk. But seriously, buy Temazepam from canada, WHAT is the problem with creating information that is:

1 - readable and actually makes SENSE
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Can ANYBODY tell me that?

The REASON that open rates and Click Through Rates (CTR) are at an all time low is because people are sick and tired of being conned, disappointed and betrayed by the very people who PROMISE and pledge to help them, Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. Some people are gonna want to take me on for that comment. Is Temazepam safe, I don't care. I don't even care if I'm ostracized for saying it. I'm just sick of the bullsh*t. And I'm sure you are too. Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, What is so wrong about providing VALUE. Huh, order Temazepam online overnight delivery no prescription.

For God's sake - and for the sanity of all the rest of us - IF you are a marketer and you are using PLR to build a list, join a Giveaway or adswap then AT LEAST have the intelligence or decency to edit it, Temazepam over the counter, fix it up, make it relevant, UPDATE it, make it your OWN work or - at the VERY least - choose something that is not simply generic gobbledegook riddled with errors that is UNworthy of the reading or scanning or skimming time of your subscribers, Temazepam price, coupon. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against the use of techniques. I’m against the use of con-artistry and abject laziness and the peddling of JUNK.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I have upset anybody here, Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. Where can i cheapest Temazepam online, If you are a purveyor of junk - and you KNOW if you are (coz I have had people tell me "I build my list with sh*t" - yes I HAVE. No names) - then FFS DO something about it! Remove all the garbage from your lucky-dip grab-bag and replace it with good, solid, ORIGINAL and HELPFUL information that will educate your readers.

This is not a Declaration of War on people, Temazepam photos. Some IMers have simply been taught all the wrong things or they have just made dumb mistakes. And mistakes can be rectified. Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, I've made some mistakes in the past. Temazepam reviews, I will probably make some in the future. This rant may be a MISTAKE. Moreover, this is my Declaration of War on junk and junky practices, buy cheap Temazepam.

OK, I'm done. Please tell me what you think, Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. I publish everything so long as it is coherent, makes a decent point and doesn't engage in personal abuse of anyone - except me. If you want to do that then go right ahead but... hmm, no I won't say that. Let's just say that I have nuclear capacity myself. Buy Temazepam Without Prescription, My silo doors are firmly shut but if you want to fire FIRST and engage in a missile exchange then be my guest.

Oh, and here's that e-newsletter link again:

Let me know what you think of that too - good or bad.


PS1: I'm bunkered down with my flak jacket and kevlar war helmet on. LOL.

PS2: If this gets me off some marketers' Christmas card lists or if I get a stack of unsubs out of it then so be it. Anyone who unsubs from my lists because of this doesn't deserve to be on them in the first place, Buy Temazepam Without Prescription. If you love receiving useless junk then go somewhere else - you'll find it. FAST. It's everywhere.

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by Gary ~ November 28th, 2010

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Unfortunately, Cheap Alprazolam no rx, due to the “remoteness” of the Internet, places like the social media sites, forums and chat rooms can spawn these types and give them a platform to spew their bile on others, herbal Alprazolam. They do it over the internet because they are pretty sure they can get away with their dirty deeds without consequence. But there IS a consequence, Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription. Alprazolam use, They are just too consumed by their hatred to know about it or understand the effect that their actions are having on their OWN lives. Let me explain that…

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Why are these people like this?

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I’ve written about “The Secret” quite a few times in my e-books, manuals, courses and also on my blog, Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription. Unlike what the Secret will have you believe there are two halves to achievement – desire and action, kjøpe Alprazolam på nett, köpa Alprazolam online. The action part is where the “rubber meets the road” so to speak. Alprazolam used for, Therefore, when a critic or hater continues to engage in their “trade” all they are doing is sealing their own fate.

Recently I was unfairly abused in a Skype chat channel by somebody saying the most bizarre, Alprazolam images, spiteful and idiotic things. Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription, I’d never even spoken to this person before. Alprazolam street price, There is little doubt that he was under the influence of alcohol or chemicals but that is no excuse. Often that is just a lubricant for saying or expressing what one REALLY feels. So all he did was showed me his true inner-self and flagged himself as somebody to avoid, generic Alprazolam. And from the many comments I had with people who witnessed that ridiculous display of his they will too.

Like others - perhaps even you - I also get my fair share of hate mail, Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription. Effects of Alprazolam, Again, it is sent by frustrated, jealous people who really don’t understand that they are damaging themselves more than they are damaging me or others that they send their bilious comments to, purchase Alprazolam online no prescription.

Yesterday a lovely lady (hello "Possum") exchanged emails with me about a group of haters who had banded together to criticize her very unfairly and in a very public manner on Twitter. Comprar en línea Alprazolam, comprar Alprazolam baratos, Why. What POSSIBLE benefit will they get out of that? Can ANYBODY tell me. Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription, Here's what I think... these people have never developed beyond the childish taunting and bullying that we see in so many of our schools, buy Alprazolam without a prescription. In other words, Online buying Alprazolam hcl, although they may have children of their own and might even have responsible jobs, that part of their brain has never developed beyond childhood.

I took a quick look at what they were saying about this lady and it was appalling. Even worse, purchase Alprazolam online, some of the people promoting all that trash really should know better. Alprazolam natural, They are openly destroying their own reputations. How foolish is that, Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription.

However, to end on a pleasant note, online buying Alprazolam, I also get a fair few emails like this…

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For confidentiality reasons, I can’t say who sent me that but THANK YOU! That is what I live for and why I do what I do to help people. And to any of those who have attended any of the Internet Marketing seminars that I've been at you will know that what I say is true. I may look like a man of war but, at heart, I am a man of peace.

So, to the haters... to sum all of this up - the person you are REALLY damaging when you send your unprovoked messages of hate is YOU Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription, . You are the one who is attracting all this negative energy into your life by the two-fold combination of your thoughts and actions.

And to the receivers of those terrible comments as Jesus said:

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:24)

Well... maybe if they read this they will now but, will they have the sense or good grace or courage to ameliorate their wanton ways and, in doing so, IMPROVE their own world. I wonder.

You are most welcome to leave a comment below and let me know what you think, Buy Alprazolam Without Prescription. Feel free to disagree with me. Anyone who makes sense gets published.


PS: If you haven't yet read my November "TEMPLE Talk" newsletter then you can view it here:

The Christmas December issue is about 97% complete and will be out next week.

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If you want to read it online or save it as a pdf to your hard drive or even share it with others then that is your choice. Online buy Renova without a prescription, I don't know about you but I occasionally just like to get something TOTALLY free that I don't have to give my name and email addy over for. I expect you feel the same, Buy Renova Without Prescription.


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Well... Renova price, suffice to say dark did temporarily prevail and I did something I don't normally do. His smart-alec and completely unwarranted abuse was about to receive a return of service that he wasn't even gonna have a hope in hell of dealing with. I retaliated, buy Renova from canada. Buy Renova Without Prescription, Now, before you think I'm a bully-boy - I'm NOT. I detest confrontation. Renova from canadian pharmacy, But sometimes I just get fed up with the ugliness of some people. I don't like being an emotional punching bag for attackers and haters. Nobody does, Renova dose. And in my opinion it's pretty gutless to gob-off at a complete stranger like that when all they are doing is helping people, Buy Renova Without Prescription.

I know there are haters out there. Ordering Renova online, I see it on Twitter a lot and this isn't the first time I have copped something like this in a nasty email from a total stranger. What is it with these people? Normally I just let it go but this time I didn't.

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I was laying in bed the next morning - don't worry I'm not leading up to an overshare here - feeling like an idiot for taking his bait and being silly enough and nasty enough to respond the way I did. Online buying Renova hcl, So, I'm laying there thinking: "There really IS a lot of "kak" being peddled on the internet. I just don't believe I am adding to it, Renova steet value. "

I spend a lot of time producing truly unique products and manuals and they are all designed to help and teach people. Buy Renova Without Prescription, I have never used PLR because, seriously, the vast majority of PLR being pushed at people for the purpose of list-building is hideous. Renova schedule, Most of it is just generic nonsense and half the time it is written in pigeon English that is difficult to read and almost impossible to understand.

And some of the peddlers are pumping out 10 to 20 emails per DAY. No wonder so many people are getting frustrated and infuriatied and feel the need to hurl abuse at somebody, buying Renova online over the counter. I just wish they would attack the right targets.

So, I made a decision to offer some 100% pure content of a range diverse enough to have something for everybody, Buy Renova Without Prescription. Renova pics, NO opt-in required. Yes, there are some links in my pdf and some lead to opt-in options but... YOU be the judge, Renova images. You are under NO obligation to click anything. Order Renova online c.o.d, And be sure to read my disclaimer on page 6.

I'll let you in on a little secret... Buy Renova Without Prescription, I was laughing to myself while I was writing that so, even though it's a serious message, I am delivering it in a frivolous manner.

I hope you enjoy this e-newsletter. I really liked putting it together, Renova overnight. I'm one of those weirdos who actually ENJOY writing. Renova results, Actually, rather often I am writing and laughing at the same time because I often write exactly what I would say and I can say some pretty off-beat stuff at times. TBH I really have no idea where some of my comments come from - it's like I'm having this conversation with my alter-ego, Buy Renova Without Prescription. Creepy huh, online Renova without a prescription.

In fact, Buy generic Renova, I'm amazed that I get away with some of the things I say to people coz I usually just say exactly what I think which is often not exactly "politically correct" - something else that I detest. Having said that I'm not into saying hurtful things to people like: "You are one ugly mother-focker" - apologies to Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator and getting it tangled up with "Meet the Fockers" - a REALLY funny movie (just in case you haven't seen it...)

So, with all of the foregoing out of the way...

If you have any comments or queries or suggestions on how I can make it better for issue 2 then please share your thoughts here. I'd be very interested to know what you think would be the ideal length for an e-newsletter such as this. Buy Renova Without Prescription, I don't want to make it too long but then I don't want to make it too short either. This time I opted for a short 6 page read. But I can make these as long or short as you want. I'm thinking about 8-10 pages might be about right. Tell me what you think.

Oh, BTW, feel free to distribute this e-newsletter to whoever you want. You can send it to a friend or use it as a bonus to an offer, send it to your list as a no opt-in thank you, Buy Renova Without Prescription. Whatever. I don't care. Just DON'T change it.


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