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Being "busy" can destroy your ability to get things done. Let me say that again.., australia, uk, us, usa.
Being "busy" can destroy your ability to get things done.
How many people do you know who are so busy being busy that they never seem to get anything worthwhile done, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Does that describe you, Buy cheap Tramadol, maybe even just a little bit.
Being busy all the time, through necessity, buy generic Tramadol, is a curse. Purchase Tramadol online no prescription, Being busy all the time, for the sake of it, is just sheer madness, where to buy Tramadol.
Continual busy-ness eventually leads to stress, Effects of Tramadol, particularly if results are minimal. Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, You see, it will get to a point where something has to give way. It's like filling a balloon with air. Eventually no more air will fit inside the balloon and it will do the only thing it can, Tramadol dosage. It will burst. Tramadol dose, It's OK to have busy periods through each day, each week, each month and each year, Tramadol long term. However, you also need time to relax, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Time to re-charge the batteries. Is Tramadol safe, People who are continuously busy over long periods suffer from two main problems:
1 - they have difficulty saying "no" to anyone
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Let's look at each in turn.
First, those who cannot say "no." I have a saying: "You can't save the entire world." No matter how good your intentions are, Tramadol from canadian pharmacy, you cannot be everything to everyone. Tramadol recreational, Make a list of those who need and DESERVE your time. Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, They are the ones you should give priority to. Anyone else comes next - if you have the time to spare.
A wise man once said, doses Tramadol work, "work always expands to fit available time." It's true. Tramadol steet value, But it is only true if you ALLOW it to happen.
You can always do the odd favor for someone on the odd occasion. Learn to say no in a nice way, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Here is one such way: "If I get all my own work done, where can i buy Tramadol online, I will consider your request." What does that really say. Tramadol online cod, It says your work is important. If you get it done you will help. Naturally, rx free Tramadol, if you cannot get it done you cannot help. Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, It's a soft way of saying no. Tramadol price, Usually the asker will then go and find another person to ask.
By saying no you actually help other people to grow. Imagine if you always said yes to tying up your daughter's shoe laces, japan, craiglist, ebay, overseas, paypal. If you never said no she would still be asking you to do it at twenty years of age. By saying no you make her learn to do it for herself, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Tramadol maximum dosage, Remember the old saying about giving a hungry person a fish to eat versus teaching the hungry person how to catch their own fish to eat. well...
.., Tramadol canada, mexico, india. there are some people in this world who not only want you to PROVIDE the fish but they want you to scale it, Purchase Tramadol online, clean it, cook it and serve it up to them for dinner with a side salad. Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, And if they don't like it they will complain to you. Do you know those type of people? I do, cheap Tramadol no rx. We all do. Buy Tramadol from canada, By saying no we can free up more time for ourselves and those who need or deserve our time the most. Do not become a slave to the wants and demands of others.
Turning to the second problem, delegation - learn to enlist others to perform tasks that they are better equipped, Tramadol images, or have more time, Fast shipping Tramadol, to do.
If you run all over the place attempting to do everything yourself you will never have sufficient time to do anything properly, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Delegation is the art of a true leader. The secret to successful delegation is to build the importance of the task into the mind of the person you are delegating it to. Then, Tramadol interactions, when they do it, Taking Tramadol, thank them and praise them sincerely for the things they did well.
Don't ever think you are irreplaceable, PARTICULARLY at your employment, Tramadol no prescription. Somebody gave me a definition once of irreplaceability in the workforce. It went something like this: Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, "Get a bucket of water, roll up your sleeve and thrust your arm into the water. Real brand Tramadol online, Now pull your arm out. The time it takes for the water to settle back into position will be about the same time it will take to replace you!"
Learning to say no and being able to delegate will allow you to perform the tasks you really want to do and really need to do yourself at a much higher level of proficiency.
AL Williams wrote a book called "All You Can Do is All You Can Do But All You Can Do is Enough!" (ISBN: ), Tramadol schedule. Catchy title, Tramadol pharmacy, isn't it.
In his book, Williams says: "Don't worry about things you can't change, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription. Focus on making your part of the world better, because when they click your lights out for the last time, herbal Tramadol, you can't have any regrets."
Like I said earlier - you can't save the whole world. My Tramadol experience, Don't even try.
If you want to be more productive, try to re-organize the way you plan your time. You can do this by:
- making a list of things requiring your attention,
- prioritizing the list,
- doing essential things first, non-essential things last,
- after every third task, rewarding yourself in some small way,
- continuing to work your way through the list in sets of three. Buy Tramadol Without Prescription, At the end of the day review your list. This is important because it will allow you to see how MUCH you have done and achieved. I do this all the time. Achievement will drive you forward to more achievement.
So, now you don't have to be busy, busy, busy and get little done. You can just be busy achieving what you want, Buy Tramadol Without Prescription.
Best Wishes to you,
PS1: As usual, all comments and questions welcome.
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