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by Gary ~ February 3rd, 2009

Buy Nimetazepam Without Prescription, Another three hour session has come and gone. Cheap Nimetazepam, Alex Jeffreys delivered his Module #6 Coaching Webinar (this morning for me but evening for most folks) in inimitable style and then stayed on for another hour answering questions. And then, Nimetazepam results, Nimetazepam long term, lo and behold, there he was on Twitter engaging in Tweets with Nit-Twits like me, Nimetazepam no rx. Nimetazepam interactions, He really does go the "extra" three or four miles.

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The third hour consisted mainly on Alex Jeffreys' explanation of how he separates all his email lists into three categories (ie the "triple threat"). Broadly the three categories are:

  1. - the unopened email (email ignored)
  2. - the opened email - without link click (partially ignored)
  3. - the opened email - with link click (full notice taken)

Alex then went on to explain how he deals with each category of email recipient. The goal, of course is to get every email recipient to move to category 3 - ie to open the email and click on the link, as these are where sales can ultimately be made. A very basic method is to ask those in categories 1 and 2 why they didn't do what those in category 3 did. Pretty simple, but how many people do it, or will do it, Buy Nimetazepam Without Prescription. Alex calls this "drilling down into the list."

You should be able to achieve a 20% open rate and a 10% click-through. This is where your sales will come from.

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Alex then went on to demonstrate how he does this but I have neither the time nor the space to even begin to replicate that. Just go to the Member's Area and watch for yourself.

The reason that I have broken this webinar into the three hourly segments above is to allow those who need to watch the training retrospectively to know what was discussed and where to expect it. This precis of the event can only highlight where you will find these things, Buy Nimetazepam Without Prescription.

Thanks again Alex for yet another informative webinar.


PS1: If you are having "negative" feelings towards other people because they are "seemingly" moving ahead at super-sonic speed then, IMHO, you are totally missing the point. Focus on what YOU need to be doing. Go and listen to the words of the Desiderata for there will always be greater and lesser people than you - NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE! In fact, just go and listen to Les Crane's 1971 musical rendition of Max Ehrmann's time honoured 1952 poem anyway. It is powerful stuff!(NB: Desiderata is Latin for "desired things.")

NOTE: Buy Nimetazepam Without Prescription, I am still to proof read and tidy this post up. It may include typographical and spelling errors at this stage. Will come back later. Regards Gary.

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by Gary ~ February 1st, 2009

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I was at the blog of Michel Fortin the other day and saw a really interesting idea he had about listing 25 strange, weird or bizarre things about yourself that OTHER people may find amusing or interesting. He said somebody had started this on Facebook or somewhere and had “tagged” him, Renova For Sale. I kinda made an association of this with Garry Parkes' brilliant thread on overcoming challenges and thought I'd give it a go. Buy Renova without a prescription, The so-called "rules" state that you also have to tag 5 people to get them to follow suit. I really liked the idea. According to others, I’m a strange, weird and bizarre person, Renova alternatives, so I thought I would give it a try. Here goes:

1 – I am a control freak Renova For Sale, . Freak being the operative word. Yep. Where can i find Renova online, It’s my way or the highway. Why. Because I have systems and controls for everything and I record everything and unless you have a better way – which I sincerely doubt – then you do it my way, Renova For Sale.

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3 – Since I am on the subject of women – I have always adored the screen presence of Catherine Bell and when she was in that show JAG, I just used to marvel at how that tight shirt she wore fitted every contour of that marvelous body. I would always say, “That CANNOT be an off the rack (pun intended) shirt, effects of Renova. It has to be custom made.” Whew. I also think that Australian, former Miss Universe, Order Renova from mexican pharmacy, Jennifer Hawkins is one of the most naturally beautiful looking women in the world. I do admire the female form, Renova For Sale. (sleaze comments)

4 – I am incredibly pedantic. I have mentioned several times in my blog posts that I am a perfectionist and that it is one of my greatest strengths but, on the other side of the coin, one of my greatest weaknesses, Renova schedule. This sits hand in hand with point 1 above and it is a dangerous combination for any person to have. You wouldn’t want me for a boss. Renova For Sale, Hell, I don't even like me as a boss. I have been self-employed for many years. No-one else can handle me anyway. Where can i cheapest Renova online, 5 – Speaking of danger. This is something that I am normally loathe to speak of for fear of the chronic reactions it usually gets. I am a karate black belt. Not only that, I am a very senior karate black belt of some 40 years training, Renova For Sale. I train EVERY day – without fail – and I have reached the lofty level of 7th Dan black belt. I have also been awarded the title of Kyoshi (pronounced “Key-oshi, buying Renova online over the counter,”) which means Master of Masters. Pretty much, in layman’s terms, Doses Renova work, that means I am a serious ass-kicker (see PS below - no further correspondence entered into. That's it. Renova For Sale, I said it.).

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7 – I love my puppalitos – my dogs. Every morning I lay on the floor and cuddle them and let them lick the sides of my face and ears. That’s pretty gross considering they have probably spent half the night licking their asses and wee-wee’s, Renova trusted pharmacy reviews. Hmm, maybe I should stop this. Renova For Sale, But I love them too much. They are my little buddies and they sit under both my office desks and follow me everywhere. Cheap Renova no rx, Incidentally, they are females. I think that makes it marginally better, but not much.

8 – I have the weirdest sense of humour, Renova cost. I have word association problems that nobody else even understands, Renova For Sale. So I can rattle off half a dozen puns or jokes that nobody else laughs at coz they just don’t “get it” – even when I explain it – and then they don’t give a crap anyway and I think that is even funnier. Bizzare.

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12 Renova For Sale, – I like chocolate. I also like eggs but I don't like beetroot. And you can beat an egg but.., order Renova online overnight delivery no prescription. ( I am so naughty!)

13 – I am an absolute exercise nut and like nothing better than to sweat like a pig during and after aerobic and weights training.

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16 – I hate text messaging and only just tolerate Twitter, Renova results, which I think is one of the dopiest names ever invented. Twitter. DUH! In fact double duh!

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19 – I am a terrible practical joker. I hide things on people and then, when they have been driven crazy with frustration looking for them, Renova australia, uk, us, usa, I replace them while they are not looking. I also change people’s book marks – all that sort of sh*t. I know it is childish but I love doing it, Renova For Sale.

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21 - I am rarely motivated by money alone. There needs to be another carrot to get me interested, real brand Renova online. In many ways I am a lone-wolf. Renova For Sale, Although my favourite animal, without doubt, is the tiger.

22 – I am a complete bastard to engage in word debates (Or maths debates, for that matter). Renova dosage, I can pull words out of my arse that most people have never even heard of. I also contort and conjoin words and generally murder the English language if it suits my purpose to do so. But most times I try to write very correctly and in good syntax. When I am on a roll, I can easily produce 5,000 to 10,000 words in one sitting, Renova For Sale. My ACTION Planner e-book was written in 5 hours flat. That is 72 pages, buy Renova online cod.

23 – I am relentlessly ruthless when I am chasing something that I want. For instance, after major surgery to correct an injury I performed 330, Renova long term, 000 specific exercises to strengthen the limb and yes – I charted and documented every one of them.

24 - I was a weakling as a kid Renova For Sale, – a real milksop “Mummy’s boy” who used to get the snot and sh*t beaten out of him on a regular basis coz I was small and a late developer. My family wasn’t wealthy so I made a set of weights out of some old jam tins filled with rocks and cement, with a metal bar running through the middle. As I got bigger and stronger I used to wire bricks to each side for extra weight. When guys would hit me they would hurt themselves, herbal Renova. Then it was my turn. LOL, Renova For Sale.

25 – I am a collector of samurai swords and ancient Japanese and Okinawan weapons of war. Collectors of this weird stuff are called hoplologists. So, I guess I am a hoplologist.

26 - I think the best rock group the world has ever seen is Slade and, IMHO, Noddy Holder (lead singer) has the greatest rock voice of all time. Renova For Sale, I also like Wizzard, CCR, ELP, ELO, Carolyn Mas, Judith Durham, Yanni, and, of course, the old hound dog himself, Elvis. I have visited Graceland and stood at the foot of the grave of the great man. Then I went mad and spent about $400 on trinkets and mementos. Lisa Marie Presley must love me. I also like many other bands and singers – too numerous to list here. Oh, and I adore Phyllis Nelson’s version of “Move Closer” (see my music and lyrics thread)

I know I said it was 25 but I break the rules on everything, Renova For Sale. Think of it as a “bonus,” or maybe further torture – LOL.

My tags are Mark (Mr Smarty-Pants) Austin, Thom Swartwood, Denis Caron, Nikki Stephens (I can hardly wait for this!), Garry Parkes, Renee Olsen, Hilary Dickinson, Harry (Hazzard) Harris, Paul Hamilton and (she will hate me for this – but I don’t care - tee-hee) Linda Caroll.

Yeah, I can’t count either. I know the rules said five but, remember, I break the rules on everything. Renova For Sale, Go to it folks – whang your list of 25 on your blog then come back here and tell us when you have done it. If you don’t wanna do it then that’s OK... Scaredy-bear.


PS: If anyone wants to ask me about any of this then I’m happy to talk about anything except number 5 and if anyone uses that title (it is only relevant in the circles in which I move) then I’ll let Bad-Gary loose. The only reason I even included it was because those bloody RSS feeders are displaying me all over the bloody place and I have no way of getting the damn pictures and info back. Curse those damn things, Renova For Sale. That is as much as I will say on the matter.

PPS: Just for the record, various family members and a close friend helped me compose this stupid list in about five minutes. They could have gone on to 50 because of my quirkiness in so many things but we let it drop at 30 and I cut it back to what you see here. If you wanna do a list then try that.


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PS: And if Nick Vujicic doesn't shake you to your very soul then you are not human. This brought a tear to my eye. What a human being.

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