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Zen Garden > Wealth Versus Poverty - If You ALWAYS Want to Be POOR Then Here is Your Blueprint to Success
Wealth versus Poverty. Yes... I am being facetious here. For those people who ALWAYS want to be poor all their lives then here is a list of things that you should NEVER do followed by a list of things that you should ALWAYS do. In fact, you can use this as a blueprint to a life of poverty...
For those people who ALWAYS want to be poor all their lives then here is a list of things that you should NEVER do followed by a list of things that you should ALWAYS do. In fact, you can use this as a blueprint to a life of poverty:
- NEVER read a motivational, inspirational or educational book. You should especially avoid all books on wealth creation. Don't even look at the covers. Ignorance is bliss. Books contain knowledge and knowledge is potential power. Potential power could lead to actual power and this must be avoided.
- NEVER listen to any person who has shown by example that they have attained success. In fact, be jealous of that person and put them down behind their back for being a "big shot." Jealousy is a sure path to poverty so make sure that you never stray away from it too often.
- NEVER attend a seminar. In the minds of poverty thinkers, seminars ONLY exist to make lots of money for the presenters thereby making poor people even poorer. Spending $100 on a seminar where you could get ideas that would make $ million just isn't enough incentive.
- NEVER ask a successful person to be your adviser or mentor. Following in the footsteps of somebody who is successful and who has, as a consequence, made a lot of money would be too demeaning. Why follow anybody? Surely they will have a hairstyle or a laugh or a gesture that will annoy you.
On the contrary, to stay in struggle street and remain poor here is a list of things that you should do:
- DO sit down for hours and hours to watch "REALITY TV." You will be titillated watching fantastic thought provoking stuff like "Big Brother" or "Wife Swapping" or "Jerry Springer Interviews Prostitutes with Terminal Syphilis" or any of the many wonderful programs such as these.
- DO smoke as many cigarettes and drink as much alcohol and eat as many pizzas as you possibly can. While you are doing that it will take your mind off being successful and wealthy. The hospitals will fix you up when you eventually cave in to your vices. That's THEIR job.
- DO sleep a lot. The fact that you will be dead a lot longer than you are alive should be of no consequence to you at all. After all, you are here to have a good time not a long time. Sleeping allows you to do less and less thereby conserving your strength for more TV watching, smoking, drinking and eating fatty food.
- DO be lazy. Why do ANYTHING for yourself when you can get somebody else to do it for you? You want another beer? Just scream out for somebody to get it for you. When they bring it they might as well collect up all the empties around your couch too.
- DO engage in gambling. Go to the casino, the horses, the greyhounds or anywhere else that you can get a bet on. The fact that places offering these facilities sit on multi-million dollar lots and have all the latest styling, security and facilities should PROVE to everybody that gambling is a good thing. Look at all that disgusting opulence that you are surrounded by when you are ON-SITE.
So, there you have it - all the things to be avoided and all the things to do. You can use these short lists as your own private BLUEPRINT to poverty. Many people do. These are not original ideas. I only worked them out through observation. Good luck. You will need plenty of it if you use this as your plan in life.
Brought to you by: Gary Simpson's http://www.MotivationSelfEsteem.com/Zenspiration.html website where you can receive motivating "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of the highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice." Here you will also be able to get your password for the "Wealthy Minds" Newsletter which will give you access to the MEMBERS' ONLY area of the http://www.turn-debt-into-wealth.com website.
Gary Simpson is the author of nine books covering a diverse range of subjects such as motivation, self esteem, affirmations, self defense, wealth creation and much more. His many motivation and success articles appear all over the web.
Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building
to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article
as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.
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