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The Official Website of Kyoshi Gary Simpson
Sensei Gary Simpson
35 years in karate
15 years in motivation
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Zen Garden > Discover the ROOT CAUSE of Why Most People Will NEVER Have Enough Money

Money. We cannot live without it. Well, we can but our quality of life would be seriously diminished.

Money. We cannot live without it. Well, we can but our quality of life would be seriously diminished.

For instance, try shopping for food without money. How far would you get? You would probably get right to the checkout whereupon the cashier would tally up your groceries and then ask you for payment. If you were unable to pay, the supermarket management would be called and you would be asked to leave - minus the groceries.

If you cannot pay your utility bills the companies that provide those services to you will either cut or restrict supply to you.

Lack of money causes pain, anxiety, stress and embarrassment. Why then, do so many people do nothing whatsoever to increase their ability to accumulate more money?

In short - in one word - laziness. Yes, there is skepticism, fear and a range of other issues. However, the BIGGEST reason why people do not become wealthier than they are is pure and simple laziness. Oh, I know that some people work two and three jobs but that is not the laziness I am talking about. I am not talking about physical laziness. I am talking about MENTAL laziness.

What is the difference between the person who earns $10 per hour and the person who earns $100 per hour? The difference is that the person earning $100 per hour has educated their brain how to do that while the person who earns only $10 per hour has not.

It takes education followed by effort to increase wealth. Most people do not believe that the education part of it is all that important. And it shows in the results that they get!

Do you think that the person who makes $100 per hour is TEN TIMES smarter than the person earning $10 per hour? No. But they might be TEN TIMES more ambitious.

Education is the key to wealth.

EDUCATE yourself in the ways of wealth and you too will see a BIG difference in the amount of money that you will accumulate.

Brought to you by: Gary Simpson's website where you can receive motivating "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of the highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice." Here you will also be able to get your password for the "Wealthy Minds" Newsletter which will give you access to the MEMBERS' ONLY area of the website.

Gary Simpson is the author of nine books covering a diverse range of subjects such as motivation, self esteem, affirmations, self defense, wealth creation and much more. His many motivation and success articles appear all over the web.

Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.

Finance - Self Help - Motivation - Self Defense - Personal Growth

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