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The Official Website of Kyoshi Gary Simpson
Sensei Gary Simpson
35 years in karate
15 years in motivation
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Zen Garden > What Poor People Say and Do VERSUS What Wealthy People Say and Do

Poor people generally talk about... Wealthy people generally talk about...

I talk to lots of different people every day and I can determine virtually in the very first minute of conversation whether they have money or not. I know that sounds crass. But I can. You can just tell. It's in the language they use and the topics that they choose.

Poor people generally talk about:

  • non-sensical television programs featuring banal characters and thin plots,
  • drinking vast amounts of alcohol - allegedly to have a "good time",
  • taking mind altering substances - allegedly to "forget about problems",
  • other people - what is wrong with them and why they do not like them,
  • negative events that they have no control over.

In contrast, wealthy people generally talk about:

  • investment ideas and strategies,
  • ideas and concepts that they have learned or are learning,
  • things that inspire and motivate them,
  • people who inspire and motivate them,
  • positive events that they have control over.

Poor people generally would not think of educating themselves by reading and studying books or attending seminars. They would scoff at spending $50 on those sorts of things preferring instead to purchase a carton of beer or cigarettes.

Wealthy people would not think of NOT educating themselves by reading and studying books or attending seminars. They willingly spend ten times that amount to get a return on investment through educating themselves.

Poor people's lives revolve around doing things that make them feel important and good for the moment. They are very short-term thinkers. For example, poor people believe it is important to drive a "showy" vehicle that is worth less and less every day - even if it is difficult for them to make the expensive payments.

Wealthy people do things that they know will make their lives easier in the future. They are medium to long term thinkers. For example, wealthy people believe it is important to invest in assets that increase in value even while they are sleeping.

Poor people think and talk VERY DIFFERENTLY to wealthy people.

Brought to you by: Gary Simpson's website where you can receive motivating "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of the highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice." Here you will also be able to get your password for the "Wealthy Minds" Newsletter which will give you access to the MEMBERS' ONLY area of the website.

Gary Simpson is the author of nine books covering a diverse range of subjects such as motivation, self esteem, affirmations, self defense, wealth creation and much more. His many motivation and success articles appear all over the web.

Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.

Finance - Self Help - Motivation - Self Defense - Personal Growth

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