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The Official Website of Kyoshi Gary Simpson
Zen Garden > Learn How to Be a Winner, Not a WhinerWinners say: "let's do it." Whiners say: "can't you get somebody else to do it?" Winners are energetic and enthusiastic. Whiners are lethargic and have no zest.How do you want to be known and remembered? As a person who took the reins of life and charged full-tilt ahead? - a person of action and vitality that wins more often than they lose? Or, as a person who prefers to tip-toe through life trying not to be noticed? - a whiner and complainer who just wants to be left alone. There are winners and there are whiners. Winners say: "let's do it." Whiners say: "can't you get somebody else to do it?" Winners are energetic and enthusiastic. Whiners are lethargic and have no zest. Winners attract people to them like bees around honey. They have infectious personalities. They stand out in a crowd. They are people to be reckoned with. They are dreamers, planners and achievers. Winners have conquests in their minds. They talk about opportunities, projects and the future. Winners smile. Whiners repel people like a bad smell in a confined space. They have poisonous personalities. They too stand out in a crowd but for opposite reasons. They find it difficult to hold conversations because people find them tiresome. Whiners have conflict in their minds. They criticize, deride and ridicule others. Their favorite topics include rumor and innuendo. Whiners scowl. Check your language. Is it positive or negative? Check your thinking. Is it appreciating or depreciating? A good way to learn how to become a winner is to wear a small elastic band around your wrist. Whenever you say or think something disingenuous, uncomplimentary, rude, abusive, negative or self deprecating, stretch the elastic band out and let it sting your skin. You will find that after a while you will begin to change your ways. Being a winner has so many advantages. Being anything else is just not worth wasting time on.
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