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The Official Website of Kyoshi Gary Simpson
Sensei Gary Simpson
35 years in karate
15 years in motivation
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Zen Garden > Money - Three More Key Facts You Need to Know If You Want Lots of Dirty Sexy Money

Have you seen that “Dirty Sexy Money” scene where Donald Sutherland opens up the bank vault and all those gold bars are sitting there? Pretty impressive huh? What good things could you do with all that money?
Have you seen that “Dirty Sexy Money” scene where Donald Sutherland opens up the bank vault and all those gold bars are sitting there? Pretty impressive huh? What good things could you do with all that money?

Well, I hate to be a party-pooper but if you believe in the terms “shop till you drop” and “retail therapy” and other catch cries developed by slick marketers then you will NEVER have even one ten thousandth of that sort of money. First thing you need to do is to change your way of thinking.


Most people are oblivious to their true EXACT financial position. Er, that is – until it is TOO LATE. Like when all your creditors want payment and your financiers call all your loans in. Ouch!

Let me explain this using a different analogy. Let’s say that you wanted to get from point A to point B. First you need to know EXACTLY where point A is. Right? You cannot possibly get to point B unless you know where point A – the starting point - is. But that is what most money poor people try to do. They try to move to another place without recognizing where they are at present.

You need to know exactly what you are worth (Assets minus Liabilities = NET Worth). You need to know what you are trading your life for. If you REALLY knew it would be such a big slap in your face that you would DO SOMETHING to improve your money position.


It is pointless just saying, “I want to be rich” or “I want to be wealthy” or “I want lots of money.” How much is lots? Be specific. How much money do you want? Do you want $10,000 or $100,000 or $500,000 or a million dollars or even more? How much?

When you have a specific target you can shoot for it. If you don’t have a target how will you ever know if you reach it? Do basket-ballers have hoops? Do base-ballers have bases? Do footballers have goal posts? Get the idea?


Making money is like climbing a ladder. You need to get onto the first rung then the second rung then the third rung, then the fourth and so on. You will never get to the top by trying to make one giant leap. You will only fall flat on your face, over and over again. Making money is just the same.

So, to SUMMARIZE these three key money points:

  1. Know where you are at now – you need a starting point
  2. Set a target or goal – know where you want to be
  3. Move from 1 to 2 one step at a time.

If you do these things then one day you will have some of those gold bars that we see Donald Sutherland presiding over in “Dirty Sexy Money.” Want some dirty sexy money? Look here: DIRTY SEXY MONEY.

Brought to you by: Gary Simpson's website where you can receive motivating "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of the highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice." Here you will also be able to get your password for the "Wealthy Minds" Newsletter which will give you access to the MEMBERS' ONLY area of the website.

Gary Simpson is the author of nine books covering a diverse range of subjects such as motivation, self esteem, affirmations, self defense, wealth creation and much more. His many motivation and success articles appear all over the web.

Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.

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