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Sensei Gary Simpson
35 years in karate
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Zen Garden > Brain Training - Ever Done It?

We all know about the value of exercising our bodies. But how many of us train our brains? Hmm. Brain training. Interesting. "What's that?" I hear you ask.

We all know about the benefits of training. To get better at anything we need to train. There's weight training, basketball training, football training, netball training, hockey training, cross training - training for everything.

At some stage all of us have trained in something. Many of us jog, pump weights, perform aerobic exercises, walk and do all sorts of things to train the muscles of the body to become bigger, stronger, fitter and more capable for a chosen sport or pursuit.

We all know about the value of exercising our bodies. But how many of us train our brains? Hmm. Brain training. Interesting. "What's that?" I hear you ask.

Let me start by saying that your mind manifests what comes to pass in your life. Put simply - we are what we dwell upon most of the time. You have probably heard such famous sayings as:

"As a man thinketh so is he" and "What the mind can conceive and believe the body will achieve" and "Whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot, either way you are right". It's a very complex thing this organ we call our brain.

So, back to the subject at hand - how do you train your brain? You can't take it for a walk. It cannot pump weights. You can't take a pill or a potion to make yourself instantly smarter. What can you do?

First, understand this - your brain is THE most powerful muscle in your body. Unfortunately, for most, it is also the most neglected muscle in the body.

Your brain directs everything that you do - physical, mental and spiritual. You want to walk - the brain makes this possible. You want to talk - the brain makes that possible too. You want to engage in sport - the brain synchronizes all the muscles to allow you to do so. You want to do a crossword puzzle - the brain caters for that too. It also allows multiple actions. For example your brain makes it easy for you to walk, swing your arms, hum a tune and chew gum all at the same time. The brain is indeed all-powerful.

Training the brain requires thinking about your life and being determined to make the necessary changes to make things better for yourself. I prefer to think of the brain as a super computer. If you are not achieving the results that you want you always have the option of "re-programming" your "on-board computer."

If you want to re-program your brain you will need the correct software for the task. Like a regular computer it would be pointless to expect a word processing program to perform a particular mathematical function. For that you would need a spreadsheet program. Your brain is the same. When you know how to do this you will be amazed at how easy and powerful it is. Let me give you some examples:

Let's say you want more discipline in your life - enter the discipline disk. You want more success? Easy - enter the success disk. What about your weight? Have you ever wanted to reduce your weight? Most people have. Plug in the weight disk. Whatever area of your life needs improvement you can re-program your brain to do it.

Brain training is like body training - it will improve whatever outcome you desire. Try it. You can learn much more about this at my website.

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Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.

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