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Zen Garden > Be the Star of Your Own 30 Second InfomercialIf I were to tell you that I wanted to shoot a 30 second "infomercial" with you as the star, could you fill the thirty second time slot with a list of your achievements and goals?If I were to tell you that I wanted to shoot a 30 second "infomercial" with you as the star, could you fill the thirty second time slot with a list of your achievements and goals? Think about it, could you? I admit that "off-the-cuff" it might be a bit of a difficult assignment. However, what if I allowed you to take a few hours to prepare the script? You could have 30 seconds to read as much as possible about the things that you have already done that you are proud of and the things that you are planning to do in the future. What I am attempting to do here is to IMPRESS upon you the importance of acknowledging the greatest achievements of your life to date then listing the goals that are important to your future. Since you only have 30 seconds to fulfill this quest it will force you to narrow down the things that are vitally important to you. This brings clarity. If you take up most of the time talking about achievements already attained then you will have less time to speak about the future. It requires a delicate balance. You would be amazed at how much you can read aloud in just 30 seconds. An average person should be able to read approximately 150 words in that time. So there is the challenge. Compress your achievements to date and the goals that you have planned for the future into this frame. By doing this exercise you will define who you are and what you want for the future. You see, you can only mention the REALLY important things. Are you up to the challenge? This article comes with reprint rights providing no changes are made and the resource box below accompanies it. Want to learn more about success? How about some inspiration to make your life more positive?
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