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The Official Website of Kyoshi Gary Simpson
Sensei Gary Simpson
35 years in karate
15 years in motivation
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Zen Garden > Conquering the Battlefield of Your Mind

In the battlefield of your mind, yes and no exchanges go on all day, every day.

Will I? Won't I? Can I? Can't I? Should I? Shouldn't I? Yes, no, yes, no...

In the battlefield of your mind, these are the exchanges that go on all day, every day.

You have probably heard the saying that: "The war is not over until all the battles have been decided." Well, in a war that is true.

Let's take a look at what happens in your mind. You see, every time a negative response wins, the negative mindset grows stronger. The reverse is also true. That is why we all know people who, through their language and actions, can be recognized as either negative or positive.

Here is what happens when you are confronted with an opportunity or you need to make a decision:

Your mind goes to that area of your brain called memory. It starts opening memory drawers. The drawers open and the files are quickly scanned for a thing known as experience.

If there are too many negative files the decision is doomed from the start UNLESS the specific file that is being searched has a fair share of successful records attached to it.

Not all negative experiences are bad. Some negative experiences are actually good for us. They save us certain pain. For instance, we all know not to put our hand into a fire.

Positive encourages more positive. Conversely, negative encourages more negative.

So, now that you know what is going on in the battlefield of your mind, just think a little bit more about the opportunities that present themselves to you in the future. Some, not all, will be beneficial to you. To dismiss them all without proper investigation would be to deny yourself a measure of success. Contemplate on this.

Gary Simpson is a 7th Dan karate master who teaches self defense, motivation, self help and wealth building to students around the world through home study courses. You may reprint this article as you include this author credit and an active link to his web site.

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